  • 學位論文


A Study on Emotional Healing Efficacy of Picture Books for Senior High and Vocational High School Students Encountering Self-identity Problems in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳書梅


本研究旨在探討繪本對遭遇自我認同情緒困擾之高中職學生,有何情緒療癒效用。研究目的涵括:(1)探討高中職學生所遭遇之自我認同情緒困擾問題類型,(2)探討高中職學生處理情緒困擾問題的方式,(3)探究繪本對遭遇自我認同情緒困擾之高中職學生是否具有情緒療癒效用,(4)探討繪本之情節鋪陳、故事角色、故事背景、故事主題、敘事觀點和繪本風格等六項要素,如何影響高中職學生產生情緒療癒效用。 而在研究設計方面,本研究採用內容分析法、半結構式深度訪談法,並輔以輔助型問卷進行研究。首先,內容分析法用於篩選具有情緒療癒效用之繪本共16本,供高中職學生閱讀。另外,本研究亦採取立意取樣,以輔助型問卷篩選共18位高中職學生進行半結構式深度訪談,藉以探討發展性繪本書目療法對遭遇自我認同情緒困擾之高中職學生之情緒療癒效用。 本研究結果顯示,高中職學生所遭遇的自我認同情緒困擾之類型,乃是由生涯發展問題而來之「個人認同」情緒困擾;其次為因人際關係所遭遇之「社會認同」情緒困擾;最後,則是因在乎外表、家庭社經地位等原因所導致的「形象認同」情緒困擾。並且,當高中職學生遭遇自我認同的情緒困擾問題時,並非主動尋求專業人士的協助,而較習慣透過聆聽音樂、閱讀小說、觀看電視劇等方式,自行處理負面情緒。研究結果亦顯示,16本繪本能使高中職學生達致不同程度的情緒療癒效用,而繪本之情節鋪陳、故事角色、故事背景、故事主題、敘事觀點及繪本風格等六項要素,及性別差異會影響受訪者達致不同程度的情緒療癒效用。 最後,根據訪談結果,研究者提出以下數項建議:(1)高中職學生可運用發展性繪本書目療法,舒緩自我認同情緒困擾,(2) 高中職教師、輔導中心教師,皆可應用具情緒療癒效用之繪本,輔導遭遇自我認同情緒困擾之高中職學生,(3) 高中職教師可將情緒療癒繪本閱讀嵌入學校之課程教案中,(4)高中職圖書館可施行發展性書目療法服務,建置繪本、小說、漫畫及音樂等情緒療癒素材之館藏資源。


The fast pace of modern society often leaces people feeling frustrated with psychological emptiness. Unable to find efficient ways to deal with their negative emotions, young people in particular, who are at the stage of building their self-indentity, tend to experience depressing feelings. With the purpose to explore the emotional healing efficacy of developmental bibliotherapy with picture books for regular senior high and vocational high school students encountering self-identity problems, this study adopts a qualitative method, which employs content analysis to collect 16 picture books, and interviews 18 students from high school and vocational high school with semi-structured in-depth questions. Moreover, this study uses assisted questionaires on the interviewees to ensure the validity of the data collected from them. The results indicate that negative emotionas of senior high and vocational high school students often come from their unsatisfying career development, which later becomes (1)” personal identity” emotion disturbances, (2) “social identity” disturbances which affect their peer relationship and is also another source of depression, and (3) “image identity, the last type of self-identity problems. Unfortunately, when students encounter self-identity problems, they tend not to take the initiative action to ask for professional help, but they sooth themselves by listening to music, reading fictions, watching TV dramas. The findings also show that the 16 picture books adopted in this research to help students with self-identity problems have emotional healing efficacy for both senior high and vocational high school students. To be more specific, factors such as plot, characterization, setting, theme, point of view, and style of the picture books affect emotional healing efficacy. Based on the findings, the researcher provided some suggestions. First, senior high and vocational high school students can apply developmetal bibliotherapy with picturebooks to sooth self-identity emotional disturbances. Second, teachers can apply picture books with emotional healing efficacy in their counseling plans. Third, teachers can also intergrate picture books into their curriculum. Fourth, high school libraries can provide picture books, fictions, comics, music, etc. to students who are in need of developmental bibliotherapy.




