  • 學位論文


Japan’s agricultural products marketing and strategies in michinoeki-what farmers’ markets in Taiwan can learn

指導教授 : 羅竹平
共同指導教授 : 陳郁然 賴進貴(Jinn-Guey Lay)


日本國土交通省在省道設立休息站,起初目的在於滿足用路人旅途休息需求,然國土交通省為了讓休息站發揮更大的效用,於1991年成立道之驛的基本架構,並訂定三個功能規範─休息、情報發送與地區合作功能。於2004年的新瀉震災後,道之驛的存在獲得重視,同時成為災難救助中心,相關救災功能也日趨完善。 隨著六級產業興起,道之驛從單純的休息站,進而與農產直賣所合作,開始在道之驛內販售當地著名的農林漁牧產品,由小農自行將商品上架,商品價格亦由小農制定,不再被批發商所控制,且每天都可販售,保持商品的新鮮程度。所以不僅能地產地銷外,也能獲得較好的利潤,伴隨著銷售業績的成長,媒體開始爭相報導,具有特色的道之驛則逐漸受到其他地區的關注,再搭配日本政府積極推動下,成功將農業、加工業與服務業結合,以帶動農業經濟成長,提高就業率。 臺灣逐漸開始成立小農市集與道農市集,在小農市集與道農市集均有販售農產品與加工品,第一個小農市集於2007年成立,而道農市集則與國道休息站的商場結合,目前市集僅於假日營業,攤販數量較少,且各自獨立發展。故如何長期發展與整合相關資源,並導入六級產業,讓消費者吃的安心,帶動市集人潮流通,創造更多的商機,正是本研究關心的議題。 本研究將探討是否可借鏡日本道之驛相關經驗,提出未來臺灣小農市集與道農市集之具體發展建議,透過政府擬定相關政策,如推動六級產業、作物地產地銷、活化社區營造或增強防災機制等,以及大型集團在地深耕,如增加農民銷售通路等,並搭配生產者建立合理生產機制與學習行銷技巧等,讓小農市集與道農市集發揮更大的社會效益。


Japan's Ministry of Land Transportation established the rest stops along the highway to let passers-by a place to rest. And to make the rest stops play a greater effectiveness role, the MLIT set three specific functions, namely rest , information sending and regional cooperation. The basic framework for the Road Station was established in 1991. When a disaster occurs recently in Japan, such as the 2004 Niigata earthquake, the Road Station has become a disaster relief center. The disaster-related features become more comprehensive. With the six-level industrialization, Road Stations from being a mere rest stop had included Agricultural Direct Sales. These road side farmer markets begun selling famous local agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries products along the rest stops. Local farmers can put up their own stalls and set their own selling price free from the control of the whole sellers. They are able to sell every day. They are able to market their local products and make better profits at the same time. This unique feature of the road station that brought the growth of direct agriculture products sale caught the attention of other locales. In recent years, Japan has been actively promoting the cooperation of the three sectors in agriculture, industry and services that led to better economy and also improve the employment rate. Taiwan currently has gradually begun to set up small-scale farmers market and road station bazaar. The first small farmer market was established in 2007. The farmers market and bazaars inside the highway rest stops are selling not only agricultural products but also other processed goods. But at present, these markets are open mostly on holidays with only few little stalls. They are left to develop on their own. Their long term development must integrate other related resources. Import of the Six-level industrialization, not only for agriculture will be good for long-term development. This allow consumers to buy and eat at ease thus create more business opportunities through the flow of crowd. This study will examine what can be learn from Station Road relevant experience in Japan; development and continued provision of high quality agricultural products in Taiwan. The relevant market or open environment, not only can become a local recreation indicator but also serve as disaster prevention-related or purchase location.


顏建賢、莊雅萌、馮祥勇、林如森、張婷媛,2012。「整合行銷傳播對產銷履歷農產品推廣效果之研究 」,《農業推廣文彙》。57輯,23–37。
行政院農業委員會農糧署,2016。「道農好市集 幫助小農好銷售」,台北:行政院農業委員會農糧署。http://www.afa.gov.tw/agriculture_news_look.aspx?NewsID=3131(2016/5/1)
