  • 期刊


Evaluation of Direct Marketing of Organic Vegetables



本研究之目的在探討與間接銷售比較之下,有機蔬菜直接銷售之利幣。本研究調查北部地區全部86個有機蔬菜農民中之71位,共獲得49個有效之農場問卷資料。本研究以成本收益分析法比較有機蔬菜農場直接與間接銷售之價格、管銷成本及收益,以敘述統計說明有機蔬菜農場經營之現況,並以SWOT分析法探討有機蔬菜直接銷售之展望。 研究結果顯示,有機蔬菜直接銷售之成本較高,其中以人工成本所佔比率最大,主要用在接受訂貨、處理帳及配送等。目前多數有機蔬菜農民有記帳習慣,卻只有少數遵照政府規定每日紀錄資材及買賣情形。若能以電腦輔助網路訂貨、帳務處理及農場記錄,將能減少人工成本。目前雖有一半以上的有機蔬菜農民擁有電腦,也多數能上網,卻只有少數用於農場經營及接受網路訂貨。而有機農場對刊登農場資料於網路上之需求大於無直銷業務之農場。 本研究建議,政府與有機蔬菜農民應重視直銷通路,其中以宅配及在農場銷售兩項最為重要。針對宅配業務,政府若能促成適當軟體之設計開發,將能協助有機農民將網路訂貨、帳務及農場記錄等工作資訊化及自動化,進而促進有機農業之發展。


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the direct marketing of the organic vegetables in Taiwan. The revenue and management and marketing costs of direct and indirect marketing are compared. 71 of all 86 organic vegetable farmers in north Taiwan were surveyed and data of 49 farms were successfully collected. SWOT analysis is also used to evaluate the direct marketing of organic vegetables. The results show that, using direct marketing, the farmers obtained higher price and benefit than using indirect marketing, although the management and marketing costs of direct marketing were higher. Among the direct marketing channels, the door-to-door delivery and sale in the farm were the mot preferred and beneficial ones. The management and marketing costs, especially the labor cost, of the direct marketing were higher than those of indirect marketing. Although half of the organic vegetable farmers had computer, most of them didn’t use it in the farm management. Most of farmers kept the accounting but only few farmers kept record of the material inputs and trade activities, which is the necessary condition for certified organic farmers according to the government regulations. This paper concluded that the direct marketing is an important marketing channel. The farmers and government should make more efforts to improve and develop this kind of channels. It is suggested that an adequate software, which can make the accounting, keeping records and internet marketing easier and is provided by the government, is necessary for organic vegetable farmers to reduce the labor costs of direct marketing.


