  • 學位論文

日本近代文学に書かれる高等遊民の諸相 ―漱石と乱歩及び川端を例にして―

Forms of educated idler in modern Japanese Literatures, with reference to Soseki Natsume, Ranpo Edogawa and Yasunari Kawabata

指導教授 : 范淑文


「高等遊民」在日本近代文學中呈現許多不同的樣貌。特別是夏目漱石的作品中所描寫的「高等遊民」最具代表性,廣為人知。明治末期時「高等遊民」一般被稱為是受過高等教育卻沒有從事職業的人。「高等遊民」在文學中呈現出哪些面貌?以及,隨著時代演變其面貌會有什麼樣的變化等等為本論文試著要探討的議題。 本論文主要以夏目漱石、江戶川亂步、川端康成三位作家的作品為題材,三位作家分別活躍於明治末期、大正時代、昭和初期。藉由當時的文獻以及其他參考資料來探討作品中具有「高等遊民」形象的角色,可以進而得知其面貌的多樣性。 整體來說,漱石文學中的角色分成二種,一種為文明批判者。《從此之後》的代助批判當時以資本主義為主的社會,與還留有封建思想的父親產生隔閡。另一種像是《彼岸過迄》的敬太郎,他是都市中迷惘的鄉下人,一邊追求快樂一邊為了出人頭地拼命擺脫「高等遊民」的階級。後者到了大正時,和亂步文學中的角色相當類似,對社會的批判變得薄弱,變成只是一群追求快樂的「高等遊民」。到了昭和初期時,《雪國》的島村可以視為川端文學中的「高等遊民」吧。他對社會的批判轉為消極,逃避現實社會而去追求快樂的途中反省自己過往的自己。


As seen in many late modern Japanese Literatures, the so-called “ educated idler ” was depicted in forms with rich diversity, especially from the works of Soseki Natsume, where the image of “ educated idler ” became a widely recognizable symbol of its kind. During the late Meiji period, the term “ educated idler ” in general was used to referring to someone who had access to receive higher education but did not engage in any particular work activities. This study aims to unveil the diversified forms of “ educated idler ” appeared in modern Japanese Literature and to identify the transformation of its representations given the social and historical context of the time period. In this study, I will be mainly focusing on Japanese writers Soseki Natsume, Ranpo Edogawa and Yasunari Kawabata, who had gained vast popularity in the late Meiji, Taisho and early Showa period respectively. Historical sources along with other references will be utilized in uncovering deep insights into characters that can be perceived as to have association with the image of “ educated idler ” to further highlight the diversities this representation truly possesses. Overall, this study has identified that the “ educated idler ” appeared in the works of Soseki Natsume has commonly two types of representation. One embodies a form of civilization criticism, as depicted in "And Then" where the protagonist Daisuke criticizes the Capitalism-centered society surrounding him and expresses alienation towards his father who is still under the influence of Feudalism. The second type can be seen from the protagonist Keitaro of “ To the Spring Equinox and Beyond ”, who comes from rural region and finds himself in dilemma between the act of pursuing pleasure and effort to elevate himself from being an “ educated idler ” in the city. This representation shows similarity with the depiction of characters appeared in the works of Ranpo Edogawa, where “ educated idler ” becomes less critical of the society and more focused on one’s pleasure fulfillment. From this perspective, the male protagonist from Yasunari Kawabata’s “ Snow Country ”, Shimamura, can also be categorized as an “ educated idler ”, as he withdraws himself from facing the reality but often feels regretful in the process of pursuing pleasure.


