  • 期刊


日本文學史教科書中近代文學作品引用例文的教法與翻譯的問題點-以文英堂版的評論.小說為中心-│Teaching Method and Translation of Examples of Modern Literary Works in Textbooks on the History of Japanese Literature-Focusing on the Reviews and Novels of the Buneido Edition-




台灣的大學日本語文相關科系,特別是傳統大學的日本語文學系的課程裏,有日本文學史這門課。分成近代文學和古典文學,近代文學史有些學校是必修,有些學校是選修。教材則是大多採用日本高中生使用的文學史教科書。其中,最常被使用的是文英堂出版,秋山虔.三好行雄編著的『原色新日本文学史(増補版)』(2017)(『原色シグマ新日本文学史』(2000)的増補版)。近代文學的歷史雖然只有一百多年,但在文學史教科書上的分量,卻和擁有一千年以上的古典文學史,在篇幅上等量齊觀。文學史的學習,很容易陷入知識的記憶,或是作家名字、作品名稱的記憶,容易成為無聊的學習科目。不過,作品本文的段落引用例文對學習者而言,多少可以賞讀名著值得品讀、鑑賞的精華內容,非常有必要。透過對作品例文的解讀,有助於文學史的理解與記憶。對教師而言,對引用文的解釋、介紹、甚至中文翻譯,能提供學生讀解的幫助,使上課活性化。本論文以文英堂版教科書中「近代の文学」的部分所收錄的小說、評論作品例文為中心,同時考察其他版本的日本文學史教科書的情形,探討近代文學史的作品例文的教法以及翻譯的問題點。│The curriculum of Japanese literature-related departments in Taiwanese universities, especially in the Japanese literature departments of traditional universities, includes a course on the history of Japanese literature. It is divided into modern literature and classical literature, and classes on the history of modern literature are compulsory or elective. Textbooks for Japanese high school students are often used as textbooks. The most popular of these is Bun-eido Publishing Co. Ltd, "Genshoku Shin Nihon Bungakushi (Enhanced Edition)"(2017) (an expanded edition of Genshoku Sigma Shin Nihon Bungakushi (2000)), edited by Ken Akiyama and Yukio Miyoshi. Although modern literature has a history of only a little over a hundred years, the volume of texts in the history of literature occupies a paper width equal to more than a thousand years of classical literature. When studying literary history, it is easy to fall into memorization of knowledge or memorization of authors and works, which can lead to dull learning. So, it is necessary in its own way, and it helps to understand and remember literary history through the work. For teachers, interpreting and introducing the quotations and translating them into Chinese will help students' reading comprehension and stimulate their teaching. This paper focuses on the example sentences in the "Modern Literature" section of Bun-eido Publishing Co. Ltd of the textbook, and also examines those in other publishers' Japanese literature history textbooks, and discusses the problems of teaching and translating the example sentences.
