  • 期刊


村上春樹文學中日本古典文學的吸收:短編小說《獨立器官》試論|Comprehending of Classical Japanese Literature in Haruki Murakami's Creative Writings: Analysis of Short Story "An Independent Organ"




村上春樹曾多次宣稱自己對日本文學沒興趣,原因在於擔任國文老師的雙親從小逼他念日本古典文學。他在前期作品中頻頻引用世界文學名著,卻不正面提及有關日本的文學或傳統文化,似乎是一種少年反抗期的延續。但自90年代後半起,村上春樹的作品中陸續可見日本古典文學之名。如《海邊的卡夫卡》中提到了《源氏物語》與《雨月物語》;《1Q84》中引用了《平家物語》的橋段。而至短篇小説《獨立器官》,村上春樹首次引用和歌來代言故事主角的心情。本論文以收錄於《沒有女人的男人們》中之短編小說《獨立器官》為主要研究對象,探究其中所援用之日本古典文學的故事典例,分析村上春樹在本短編小說中如何吸收日本古典文學的精粹。筆者認為村上春樹在《獨立器官》中使用了流行於日本中世時期的説話文學手法來架構故事,並將平安貴族藤原敦忠及其周邊相關野史軼聞巧妙地融入小說男主角渡會醫師的愛情故事中,使得本篇作品雖為現代社會之男女愛情故事,卻處處感受到日本古典文學的氛圍。正如村上春樹本人於《沒有女人的男人們》的前言中所言,他樂於在短編小說中試用各種手法與筆調來創作。而《獨立器官》中的日本古典文學敘事手法,可謂是村上春樹在短編小説書寫的一個新境界。|This thesis probes how classical Japanese literature was invoked in "An Independent Organ," a short story in Haruki Murakami's collection, Men Without Women. Furthermore, it will analyze how Murakami understands and digests the essence of classical Japanese literature in his work. Murakami has claimed, frequently, that he is not interested in Japanese literature. In his earlier works, world famous literature is often referenced. However, it is seldom that he would refer to any Japanese literature or traditional Japanese culture. The rare use of classical Japanese literature in Murakami's early works seems to be an extension of his rebellious adolescence. His parents were both teachers of Japanese literature and forced him to study classical Japanese literature when he was young. Nevertheless, it is not until the late 1990s that readers first start to see the beauty of Japanese literature appearing in his published works. The publication of the short story "An Independent Organ" is a milestone of Murakami's internalization of classical Japanese literature. This short story employs a writing method named "Setsuwa," which is a narrative literature that was once popular in Japan's middle ages. Setsuwa is mainly used to write legendary stories derived from an oral storytelling tradition. Using easy to understand language, Murakami cleverly blended Waka poet Fujiwara no Atsutada's alienated poem and anecdote into the love story of his main character, Dr. Tokai, creating an atmosphere of classical Japanese literature that permeates the romance of modern men and women. As Haruki Murakami himself said in the preface of Men Without Women, he is fond of experimenting various creative techniques and styles in short novels. The narrative technique of classical Japanese literature adapted in "An Independent Organs" is surely a new achievement in the way Murakami writes short stories.


阿部秋生、今井源衛ほか校注・訳『源氏物語』新編日本古典文学全集 24、日本、小学館
黒板勝美、国史大系編修会編 ( 1965)『日本紀略』増補新編国史大系 11 巻、日本、吉川弘文館
小林保治、増古和子校注・訳『宇治拾遺物語』新編日本古典文学全集 50、日本、小学館
小峯和明(1985)「説話文学研究の三十年」中世文学 30 号、日本、中世文学会
