  • 學位論文


Comparing the Modes of Thought of Wang Anshi and Sima Guang: Researching by the Viewpoint of “Identity of Phenomena and Reality” & “The Principle Is One But Its Manifestations Are Many”

指導教授 : 林俊宏


從先秦至隋唐,士人常以「崇有」和「尚無」當作兩種價值。士人們大致上認為儒家談有,佛老論空無,並認定佛老為理身修心之學、儒家為治世之學。此一思想格局自安史之亂後開始改變,政經、社會、思想各個層面都出現變化,士人重新反思既有思想資源,尋求解決現實問題的方法。這波士人反思所帶來的爭論,從對儒家之學的定位為起點,討論延伸至理身修心和治國各個層面,以韓柳為代表。韓愈以振興儒學為己任而嚴斥佛老,重新建立由內而外的人世規範;至於柳宗元,闡述「外儒內佛老」的思想格局,主張儒釋道的思想在不同面向各有其用。另外,柳宗元接受世界不斷流轉的觀念,帶有變遷的歷史觀。韓柳代表士人的兩種努力,嘗試串連「內與外」、「個人與群體」等二元面向,之所以出現韓柳所代表兩種思維模式,源於士人面對三教的不同態度,「理事關係」是相關思考的結果,分為「理事不二」和「理一分殊」兩種模式。 唐宋變革後,士人成為政治參與的主力,「理事不二」和「理一分殊」兩種思維模式隨之而生。士人因思維模式的不同,影響他如何看待這個世界、如何處理問題。本文認為透過研究王安石和司馬光的思維模式,以及展現在「為學」和「論政」兩個層面的爭論,是最為適合的例證。兩人均曾主導國是,並引領不同學風,具有足夠資料供吾人探索和應證。宋朝建立後,宋太祖重文輕武,經歷上百年之後,士人於朝廷掌握權力,又在地方形成仕紳階層。他們介於國家與社會間,掌握權力和資源。至北宋中期時,朝廷苦於國用不足和兵農不修等問題。神宗即位後,重用王安石發動變法,由朝廷主導,將改革焦點放在打擊既有豪強對資源的壟斷。以王安石和司馬光為首,在汴京和洛陽聚集了兩批士人,對如何改革時局建立兩種不同論述。在不同的學術傾向或政治態度的背後,反映新入體制之士人協助君主和仕紳階層爭奪資源。這兩群士人看似各自掌握政統和道統,均企圖同時掌握學術和政治上的優勢,熙寧變法時的政策論爭,大致便是源於此一背景的產物。 本文以王安石、司馬光為代表,發現「理事不二」和「理一分殊」兩種理解,源於兩人對「理氣關係」的不同詮釋。在「理在氣中」論述的影響下,王安石採取「和同」理解看待萬物。他肯定萬物差異存在的合理性,強調「超越差異而復歸」,在論述時,由下而上和同萬物;在「理在氣先」論述的影響下,司馬光採取「別異」理解看待萬物,認為「道」體現著「中」之性,「萬物」中唯有具「中和」之性者符應於「道」。他習於在相異事物中找尋符合理想者,在論述時,由上而下區辨事物的差異。王安石和司馬光秉持不同的論述方式,展現在「常與變」、「性與情」和「義與利」等議題之上,進而影響了他們如何看待熙寧變法中「選才」、「富國」和「強兵」等面向。經本文研究可發現,王安石和司馬光論政的差異並不在於變革與反變革,而是變革幅度,以及朝廷角色的設定不同。在「為與不為」的議題方面,王安石和司馬光分別主張「主動」作為與「被動」作為;在「如何而為」的議題方面,王安石和司馬光分別強調「擴張」和「節制」的行動策略。在熙寧變法的不同面向中,兩人大致都維持一貫的特色,反映兩人爭執朝廷是否需要主導,影響仕紳階層原本具有的政經優勢。


This article deals with two modes of thought since the middle age in Tang Dynasty. Two modes of thought are “Identity of Phenomena and Reality”(理事不二) and “The Principle Is One But Its Manifestations Are Many”(理一分殊). From pre-Qin dynasty to Tang dynasty, intellectuals always discussed what is the most important value by “being” or “non-being”. The Confucianists had emphasized “being” and been good at ruling the state. Buddhist and Taoists had emphasized “non-being” and been skilled at body formation and cultivating the mind. After a catastrophic setback for Tang dynasty(安史之亂), the situation changed. In order to deal with the political, economical, and social disorder, intellectuals reviewed the traditional knowledge, and argued the position of the Confucian school. For example, Han Yu(韓愈) advocated the Confucianism and constructed the theory in mind and nature for the Confucianism, while Liu Zongyuan(柳宗元) advocated that the Three Doctrines (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) is useful for different dimensions. The differences of Han's theory and Liu's theory lie in different viewpoints and attitude of relation between phenomena and reality on the object of Three Doctrines. After the Tang-Song transformation(唐宋變革), the intellectuals became the leading roles in politics, and they thought and dealed with the problems by the two modes of thought. If we want to research the two mods of thought, Wang Anshi(王安石) and Sima Guang(司馬光) are proper examples. Since the beginning of the Song dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin(趙匡胤)had valued letters and belittled arms, so the intellectuals controlled the power and wealth between the state and the society. In the middle age in the Northern Song, the state was weaker and weaker, Emperor Shenzong of Song(宋神宗) reformed the state with Wang Anshi. They thought that the state has to gain more wealth by competing annexing. The intellectuals were divided in two groups, and Wang Anshi and Sima Guang were representatives of two groups. Wang Anshi and Sima Guang had different opinions in reform and struggled for the policies about the reform. Wang Anshi was an example of the mode of thought in “Identity of Phenomena and Reality” and Sima Guang was an example of the mode of thought in “The Principle Is One But Its Manifestations Are Many”. The difference of two modes of thought originates from explaining the relation between Li(the Great Rule) and QI(vital energy). Wang Anshi was used to thinking by the formula of “bottom-up” and dispelling the difference, while Sima Guang tended to thinking by the formula of “top-down” and distinguishing. When talking about issues like “permanence versus changes”,“nature and temperament” and “justice versus benefit”, they discoursed by their modes of thought. The policies of education, finance and national defense were effected by these opinions of Wang Anshi or Sima Guang.


田 浩著,江宜芳譯,1993,〈80年代中葉以來美國的宋代思想史研究〉,《中國文哲研究通訊》3(4):63-70。


