  • 學位論文


A Study on Legal Regime of Invasive Alien Species in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李建良


臺灣因作為海島及地形因素有相當高的生物多樣性,但也因地理位置處貿易要道而有多樣的外來生物,使原生生態系面臨威脅,需透過規範管制以降低其對本地生物多樣性的影響。由於臺灣沒有處理外來入侵種的專法,本論文目的在盤點臺灣的外來入侵種管制規範,並建立其規範架構和分析規範形塑。 為充分理解外來入侵種的內涵和其規範化的歷程,本文首先爬梳外來入侵種在科學上定義,及本議題從科學場域進入國際規範領域的過程。國際社會的互動、國際公約與生物多樣性和永續概念的倡議,皆是影響臺灣的外來生物管制規範形塑的因素。本文盤點能對外來入侵種進行管制的各個條文和其對應之法律效果,以國境為分界將其區分為輸入管制和釋放管制規範兩部分,釋放管制再進一步區分為特定區域和一般區域的釋放管制,建立臺灣現行的外來生物管制規範架構。 從各規範的立法理由和修法時點觀之,形塑臺灣外來生物輸入規範體系的驅力,主要來自國際壓力和經濟考量;在釋放管制規範方面,法條間多有重疊、模糊及扞格之處,尤其以野保法和動保法間最為嚴重,因條文適用對象的定義不明確,導致規範執行上的困難;另外,在輸入與釋放管制規範都有部分外來種無法被現有的法體系涵蓋、罰則部份略有輕重失衡的情況。 最後,在分析宗教放生與流浪動物的兩個案例後,可知臺灣外來生物管制規範不僅尚難稱得上完備,還受到來自國內難以稱為理性的驅力影響,使規範在不論形塑或實踐過程中都出現諸多缺漏,整個規範體系有修正與整合的必要。


Taiwan has abundant biodiversity, but there also exists various alien species that may threaten the native ecosystem. Therefore, regulations serve to mitigate the impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) on Taiwan biodiversity are in strong need. Since there is no specific law for IAS in Taiwan, this study focuses on analyzing the driving forces and building the framework of Taiwan’s legal regime of IAS. First, by organizing the scientific definitions of IAS and its normalization from scientific field to the level of international issue, this study discovered that the key factors influencing the normalization, international conventions, interactions between parties in international communities, and the avocation of biodiversity preservation and sustainable development, have also shaped the legal regime of IAS in Taiwan. Next, this study sorted out current Taiwan regulations which can be applied to IAS control, and categorized them to build a framework of the legal regime with two sub-categories, namely “the introducing control on IAS”, which regulates alien species import permission, and “the releasing control on IAS”, which prevents alien species being released into the wild without permission. Secondly, by observing the legislative intents, it was discovered that the driving forces shaping the introducing control on IAS are mostly economic and international pressures. Regarding the releasing control on IAS, on the other hand, this study found several overlapping and/or conflict points between different regulations - Wildlife Conservation Act and Animal Protection Act in particular. In addition, some alien species are left out by the current regime forming regulatory loopholes. Finally, by analyzing the practice of the regime and the cases of life release and stray animals, the result shows that it is necessary to amend and to coordinate the regulations of legal regime of IAS in Taiwan.


1. 中文部分
1.1. 專書譯著
Charles C. Mann(著)、黃煜文(譯)(2013)。《1493物種大交換丈量的世界史》。新北:衛城。
