  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on the Transnational Model of a Freight Forwarder Company

指導教授 : 李吉仁


全球化已經成為現在世界貿易主流,做為承攬貨物運輸的物流公司扮演著不可或缺的角色,歐美的物流公司具備著全方位項目與規模的競爭優勢。在這樣的競爭環境中,亞太地區的物流公司如何回應並且適應市場的變化,成為值得關切的議題。有鑑於此,本研究以個案研究方式,解析一家歷經全球物流業環境變遷的承攬貨物運輸物流公司,以其從台灣出發立足全球的成長模式,作為企業國際化成長與轉型升級的研究聚焦。 本研究以個案公司為例探析,在多變的物流業大環境中成長壯大的歷程,在高度仰賴進出口的台灣,地方競爭以及格局上有著許多限制,分析其如何立足並累積實力與資本,並聚焦在個案公司對於人才培育、企業文化以及組織架構的相關決策上,如何為公司創造競爭優勢。在面對全球激烈的競爭之下,個案公司又如何推動國際化和擴張策略,以達今天的集團規模?最後,本研究並延伸探討個案公司未來在跨國經營策略的主軸下,該如何進行組織管理轉型,以及如何調整企業結構來面對未來的挑戰。 研究結果發現,經營策略可概括分為幾個階段,首先是對症下藥的經營方針,初期力求壯大、中期求取穩定、後期發展為兼具地區應變彈性、全球整合效能、跨地區學習的跨國營運模式。世界在變、經營也要隨之轉型,如何快速地應對每一個重大的抉擇點,清晰定義策略方向與企圖,乃企業轉型升級之啟動要素,個案公司的經歷可作為其他企業的重要參考。


Global trading activities have been significantly growing during the past decades and constituted a critical element of economic globalization. Among them, forwarder serves as the most important part in the value chain; it basically connects all types of players who exchange goods and materials. In the globally competitive environment of forwarder businesses, how Asian companies compete with those well-known and well-endowed companies who offer comprehensive range of services in American and European markets becomes an interesting topic to explore. To tackle this research inquiry, this research undertakes a qualitative case approach based on a forwarder company based in Taiwan to disentangle elements of growth strategy within competitive context. In addition, we further discuss how the case company shall transform itself to face the challenges from growing competitive and complex arena. This research found that the case company, who established in an export-dependent country with intensive competition and strict regulations, expands their initial competitive strength and create their exclusive advantage based on differential strategy. They then focus on human resource cultivation and enterprise modernization to support global scale development based on service accountability. For sustaining growth from the existing position, the case company has to seriously consider to transform itself to become more transnational so that advantages from global scale, local responsiveness and inter-regional learning can be created in a balanced manner. Our research results depict that different stages of internationalization strategy. First, company shall focus on the weakness of the regional business and getting stronger. In the next stage, it shall maintain the advantage and keep the income smooth and steady. At a later stage, the company shall pursue goal to ensure global competitiveness through the elements of transnational model. Implications of our research findings to other companies and suggestions to future research are also discussed.


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