  • 學位論文

虛實通路童裝發展策略探討 —以台灣麗嬰房(股)公司為例

The Strategy Of Children Apparel Development Both Of On-Line & Off-Line : A Case Study of Company les enphants Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳忠仁


影響企業經營的策略最主要來自於外部環境的變遷,而企業為因應此變化,需整合內、外部資源,針對當前的市場環境擬訂最適的產品市場策略,並且將核心能力延伸到其它的領域發展,使策略得以符合當前的競爭環境。 本研究論文探討台灣童裝產業在虛實通路的發展。而近年來童裝的品牌數量眾多,競爭越來越激烈,雖然童裝市場總產值歷年來都是上升,但市場大餅卻不斷被瓜分,各個童裝廠商的市場份額逐漸降低。此外,電子商務興起與蓬勃發展,使得許多廠商紛紛進入此領域,卻也影響到原本實體通路的銷售。 本研究論文透過Porter 的產業五力分析,探討童裝產業的關鍵成功因素,並以Aaker 的產品市場發展策略,作為研究探討童裝業者該如何研擬產品發展策略和方向。


The change in external environment is one of the most important elements in affecting a business's strategy. To adapt to this change, enterprises should integrate internal and external resources, formulate the optimal product marketing strategy for the current market environment, and extend the core competence to other areas so that the strategy can be in line with the current competitive environment. This paper explores the development of children's wear industry in Taiwan. In recent years, the number of children's clothing brands increased intensifies the competition, all children's apparel manufacturers market share has been decreasing over the past several years. Also, the increase of e-commerce, making many manufacturers started to sell online. This also affects the sales in physical channels. Through the analysis of Porter's five forces analysis, this paper discusses the critical success factors of children's wear industry and uses Aaker's product market development strategy to help children's wear industry to develop the growth strategy hoping to move the industry into the right direction.


Poter, Michael E. 1980. Competitive strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors. United States, Free Press.
Yin, R.K. 1994. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. London: Sage Publications.
