  • 學位論文


Image of Transportation: Study on Carts Paintings’ Development in China

指導教授 : 石守謙


「盤車圖」是以描繪畜拉貨車等運輸場景為主的繪畫,目前盤車圖的相關研究成果,主要對其表現題材作介紹性的論述,而較少就傳世作品來討論盤車圖在歷史上的發展變化。本論文便在這項基礎上,運用前人風格分析的研究成果,對存世的盤車圖作形式分析,釐清若干盤車圖的創作時代,並進一步探討盤車圖在歷史上的發展和演變。 本論文共分三章,第一章首先討論「盤車圖」的字面意涵,釐清古人對於盤車圖一詞的指涉理解,並依據傳世文獻,確立最晚在11世紀,盤車圖已形成較為具體的圖像組合。第二章則從較為確定的北宋貨車圖像為基準,運用結構分析來比較傳世的盤車圖立軸作品,推測這些傳為宋人的盤車圖,實際上應是由元人所作,並進一步探討盤車圖在元代的發展。第三章則討論盤車圖在明清時代的變遷,先從傳世關於盤車圖的詩文,探討觀眾對於盤車圖的觀感,進一步思考盤車圖創作在明代初期式微的趨向,再從明清的盤車圖畫作,討論明清畫家對盤車圖多了一層「仿古」的創作意識。本論文最後希望能從盤車圖在歷史上的發展,探討這類運輸圖像在藝術創作上的文化意涵及其變遷。


盤車 車輿圖 行旅圖 界畫


Carts paintings in ancient China mainly depict a scene of carts transportation in the wild. In today’s catalogues, most of the remaining carts paintings are attributed to Song dynasty (960-1279) without specific evident. This study tries to use formal analysis to re-date these carts paintings. It then can be possible to discuss the development of the carts paintings through the history, and the meanings of carts painting in Chinese culture. There are three chapters in the thesis. The first goes to figure out the literal meaning of carts painting in Chinese. According to poems and literal descriptions, the basic composition of the carts painting had been developed no later in the 11th century. The second chapter re-dates some Song carts paintings to Yuan dynasty (1271-1368) with formal analysis. It then discusses the development of carts paintings in Mongol China. The third chapter tries to explore the audience response to carts paintings through the poem to discuss why carts painting declined from late 14th century. It then argues that the carts paintings from 16th to 18th centuries may contain the main conscious of tracing back to primitive style. The development of the carts paintings shows its changing meaning to carts transportation through the history in China.


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2014 〈趙孟頫乙未自燕回:元初文人山水畫與金代士人文化〉(未刊稿)
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