  • 期刊


Chieh-hua in the Sung-Yüan Transition: A Study on Wang Chen-p'eng's Ruled-line Painting Style




界畫 建築畫 王振鵬 圖繪模式 畫意 繪畫類科 宋元畫


The objective of this article is to reassess the key values of Yüan dynasty ruled-line painting based on the accomplishments of one of the foremost artists in this field at the time, Wang Chen-p'eng. The beginning of the study will comb through the historical significance of the term ”ruled-line painting (chieh-hua).” By tracing back the etymological developments of terms for depicting architectural themes, one can gain a grasp of the linguistic changes that occurred in ”ruled-line painting” in the history of Sung and Yüan dynasty painting. As such, it helps to explain ”ruled-line painting” in the Sung-Yüan period and how different terms combining various motifs and techniques gradually formed a painting category with unique features. As for its literal meaning, ”ruled-line painting” as a term before the Yüan was mostly used as a verb, only gradually in the Yüan dynasty developing into a ”proper noun” suggesting a specific type of style. The changes in linguistic usage and concepts for ”ruled-line painting” that occurred indicate that a major breakthrough was made in the formation of the art of ruled-line painting in the Yüan dynasty, which is something observable in the changes of expression that happened in paintings as well. Judging from the features of Wang Chen-p'eng's paintings of dragon boats, individual attention is placed on the methods of combining units into structures, the overall construction modes of their architecture, and the general arrangement and composition of the painting surface, with final consideration given to the combined expression of visual and painterly means. Furthermore, comparison with other ruled-line paintings that follow the style of Wang Chen-p'eng's works, in terms of its continuation and development, helps identify their important position and appearance among Yüan dynasty ruled-line painting styles. Their main point lies not in whether they go from a realistic to an imaginary construct, but in their livelier use of combination modes for the units on the painting surface. This type of ”free construct” creates the painterly quality of ”dazzling the eye” seen in these works.




