  • 學位論文


A study of Samsung electronics business development strategy

指導教授 : 湯明哲


本論文在探討全球第二大電子公司:三星的崛起、發展,到強大過程中,先由半導體出發逐漸地跨到消費性電子,最終形成現在龐大的事業集團,用策略的角度觀察成功的主要因素和未來面臨的挑戰。數十年下來,三星已經在電子業中,很多的領域都取得非常可觀的戰果,如DRAM, NAND flash, display panel, Flat TV set 和智慧型手機,不是全球第一,就是前三大。這些產品貢獻超過80%的營業額,對獲利的貢獻度更高。所以研究三星,這五大產品一定是重點,其中以DRAM最為關鍵。 三星以DRAM作為進入半導體製造的第一步,在十年內,就成為全球DRAM技術和產能領導廠商。配合1990年代PC高速成長,和Windows對DRAM需求大增的影響下,讓三星賺了大錢,集團也累積了大量資源,成為後續在電子產業其他產品線積極投入的基礎,最後形成垂直整合。數十年下來,三星的策略就是一一切入不同的大宗商品,配合強大執行力,在技術和產能都做到世界第一,類似作法,一路複製。幸運的是,多年來沒有遇到重大的挫折。 展望未來,三星在半導體製造相關的產品線,因為技術門檻高,應該可以持續既有的優勢一段時間。但是其他如面板、電視、手機等,面臨國家資本主義的興起,市占與獲利都會有很大的挑戰。至於三星的策略有那些值得台灣廠商參考之處?個人認為時空環境已大不相同,企業內外部資源也完全無法相提並論,做大不易,但是做好還是很有機會的。避開commodity的市場,找出差異化,在利基市場占有關鍵位置。


This thesis aims to study the global 2nd largest electronics company – Samsung, the strategies to penetrate, to develop and to grow in variant products of consumer electronics in the past few decades. It will study some key successful factors. As the business environment dynamics, the company may encounter many challenges in the future. Samsung has achieved very remarkable, particularly, in products: DRAM, NAND flash, Display Panel, TV set and Smart Phone, within top-3 or even No.1 position in the world. These products contribute over 80% of revenue and provide higher ratio of profit. DRAM is the most important single product of product lines. It started DRAM manufacturing back to early 80s, and took less than 10-year to become one of leading DRAM houses in technology and capacity as well. The demand of DRAM had been booming as PC with Windows OS rapid growth in 1990s. Samsung made a big fortune from DRAM business and also built a solid base in semiconductor process technology that helped Samsung to penetrate into other semiconductor products, such as NAND flash. Samsung used to focus on products categorized to commodity with big volume first and strived to became the leader both in technology and capacity as well. Fortunately, this strategy has been executed very well, even there were domestic financial crisis or global economic slow down, the company business still kept on going up to current stage. Samsung should maintain the advantage in semiconductor process technologies for a long while for the entries barrier much higher. In the contrast, those products with lower barrier could be severe impacted by the rise of state capitalism, noticeable from China. Regarding to market dynamic and environment changed, this strategy, target on commodity, is not suitable for Taiwanese companies to follow. I could recommend focus on niche market and try to become the best or one of best.


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3. 黃蘭琇譯,洪夏祥著(2003),《李健熙的第一主義:三星競爭力的核心,眼光指向未來十年的企業家》,台北:大塊文化。
4. 周曉琪譯(2008),《知識與國富論》,台北:時報出版。Warch, D. (2007), Knowledge and the Wealth of Nations: A Story of Economic Discovery, W W Norton & Co Inc.
