  • 學位論文


A Study of Samsung’s Coopetition Strategies in TV Industry

指導教授 : 朱博湧


南韓三星電子(Samsung)在全球電視產業,扮演龍頭角色,既掌握關鍵零組件的製造能力,又有自己的品牌,供應自己的需求,且透過競合策略,在學習中壯大自己,這是三星建立關鍵成功因素的重要手段 本研究依據Brandenburger & Nalebuff (1996)提出的四大競合效應:規模、成本、協助及創新,進行初級深度訪談資料分析,建構三星電子在電視產業的競合策略模式 以下臚列重要發現: 三星和其他電視品牌競爭者合作的範圍,僅限於component的IC及面板等上游端; 就產業規範而言,因存在反托拉斯的限制,也無法讓三星和其他電視品牌業者在電視整機上有合作關係 競合對三星而言,雖具有正面效益,但也帶來若干管理挑戰


競合 三星 電視


Samsung has played a leading role in the global TV industry, both in terms of manufacturing capabilities for key components, with its own brand, supplying its own needs, and growing itself through learning, Key means of critical success factors Based on the four competing effects proposed by Brandenburger & Nalebuff (1996), this study is based on the analysis of the size, cost, assistance and innovation, the analysis of the primary depth of the interview, the construction of Samsung Electronics in the television industry competing strategy model Here are some important findings: Samsung and other TV brand competitor cooperation range, only the component of the IC and the panel and other upstream; In terms of industry norms, due to the existence of antitrust restrictions, but also can not let Samsung and other TV brand industry in the TV machine has a cooperative relationship Competing for Samsung, although it has a positive effect, but also bring a number of management challenges


Coopetition Strategies Samsung TV industry


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