  • 學位論文


The Effects of Online Recommendation Sources and Product Characteristics on Consumers' Choices

指導教授 : 張重昭


網路購物時,線上推薦資訊扮演很重要的角色。在實體環境裡,消費者常因為缺乏產品資訊,導致他們難以作決策;然而,在網路的世界裡,資訊的容易取得對消費者而言不見得降低消費者決策的心力。或許,消費者在做決策時,網路上的眾多資訊降低消費者的搜尋成本;但是由另一面來看,消費者必須要消化這些成千上百的資訊才做出決策時,這些成千上百的資訊反而成為消費者的負擔。因此,消費者開始找尋網路上易於使用及消化的最快方式;例如,目前在各購物網站上普遍流行的推荐資訊。也因如此,推薦資訊影響消費者的品牌選擇及態度。 此研究是一個3 (推薦來源) ×2 (產品種類) 的線上實驗設計。有一個虛擬的購物網站供消費者作購買參考及要求消費者做下購物決策。總共有192位國立台灣大學的學生參與這個實驗,在特定的情境下,請他們連上虛擬的購物網站從事線上購物。這個實驗將觀察受試者的品牌選擇和評價是否會受到推薦資訊排名的影響。此外,本研究也將觀察產品類別和推薦資訊來源如何影響消費者品牌決策、評價和資訊診斷性。 從結果可以發現, 推薦資訊名單上的第一品牌佔受試者選擇的最大比例。 此外,還可以發現產品類別和推薦資訊來源影響消費者品牌決策、評價和資訊診斷性。就搜尋品而言,最有影響力的是專家的推薦資訊;然而,就經驗品而言,最有影響力的是消費者文教基金會公佈的推薦資訊。


Online recommendation plays an important role on Internet. In the real world, consumers often hesitate to make purchase choice because of scarcity of product information. However, on Internet, easy access to large amounts of product information is both a blessing and a curse. The blessing is that customers can acquire more product information to reduce their search costs when making purchase decisions; while, the curse is that customers have to process vast amounts of information that frequently makes them unable to process and also becomes their burdens. As a result, they like to turn to peripheral shortcuts to help them navigate the mass of information and evaluate all the alternatives on offer. For example, the most prevalent one is online recommendation. Thus, the recommendation information will influence consumers’ product or brand judgments. This study is a 3 (recommendation sources) ×2 (product types) online experimental design, and a virtual e-mall is designed. A total of 192 National Taiwan University students volunteered to give their e-mails, and were asked to perform online shopping tasks on a specific website. This study examines how recommendation ranking affects consumers’ online choices and evaluation. Besides, this study also investigates how product characteristics moderate the impact of recommendation sources on consumers’ product choice, evaluations and perceived diagnosticity when the two variables are functioning. The results show that recommendation ranking affects consumers’ brand choice and evaluations. Brands on the top-ranking place would generate more favorable attitudes to customers. Besides, the results show that product type moderates the effect of recommendation sources on online customers’ choice, brand evaluation, and perceived diagnosticity. For search goods, the most influential recommendation source is experts’ suggestions. However, for experience goods, the most influential one is consumers’ votes of consumer foundation reports.


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吳明鳳(2010)。台灣地區網路消費者購物決策因素研究 ─以社會及心理學取向〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.00395
