  • 學位論文


Development of M3S-Based Power Wheelchair Controller and Safety Feedback System

指導教授 : 郭德盛
共同指導教授 : 盧並裕 賴金鑫


老年人或重度殘障者在電動輪椅操控上或反應上遠不及一般人,往往需要依靠看護或其他人的協助,才能避免一些不必要的危險發生,如可以發展一套具有安全回授系統之電動輪椅,將可以降低人為操作的疏忽,讓老年人或重度殘障者擁有更加獨立自主的行動力。 本系統利用感測器電路配合美國德州儀器公司所生產的TMS320LF2407A 數位信號處理器控制做為核心。此數位訊號負責辨識搖桿訊號能量大小,來控制馬達轉向與速度。超音波方面,本系統利用此感測器來偵測障礙物之距離,當後方有障礙物時,則不讓輪椅後退。在旋轉編碼器部分,主要是利用此裝置作為安全回授系統的信號來源,依照此訊號可將控制輪椅參數做調整,讓其輪椅空轉時,可以讓馬達降速,或者是不同體重者坐於輪椅上時,輪椅會做等速處理,以加強輪椅的安全性。 為了達到整合輔具於同一介面上,故使用M3S(Multiple Master Multiple slave)系統做為本系統的運作核心,藉由此方式可降低系統之複雜性,以提升此輪椅系統的安全性。


輪椅 超音波 安全回授系統


The purpose of this study is to develop a safety feedback control system of a power wheelchair for the improvement of self-reliance in personal ambulation and the reduction of system errors due to operational faults. The core processor is a Texas Instrument TMS320LF2407A DSP (digital signal processor). The DSP reads the signal received from the joystick and carries out computations for the control of driving motors, both in direction and speed. An ultrasound module is used for the detection of obstacles in the rear side for safety. Optical encoders generate feedback signals in order to compensate the speed of the two motors by a PD control algorithm, which makes the speed of the power wheelchair independent of the weight load. This system is designed according to M3S (Multiple Master Multiple Slave) standards for a straightforward integration of additional modules and better expansion of a power wheelchair system.


Wheelchair Ultrasound Safety Feedback System


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Lin, H. S. (2005). 以數位信號處理器實現符合M3S輸入及輸出之輔具研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2005.01450
