  • 學位論文

另一種「經濟」與「市場」的社會學式經濟研究取徑──Karl Polanyi的「實質經濟研究取徑」

A Sociological Economy Research Approach of “Economy” and “Market”: Karl Polanyi’s “Substantive Economy Research Approach”

指導教授 : 陳東升


本研究根本的研究目的,是試圖透過整理、推展Karl Polanyi在Trade and Market in the Early Empire (1957)一書中所提出的「實質經濟研究取徑」,來進一步確立出一個,能夠解決新經濟社會學中諸種「經濟」概念化問題的「經濟基本概念」社會學式概念化方案,以及對應於此概念化方案的「經濟研究綱領」。 本文的主要內容分為四章。首先,第一章討論當前社會學中的主流經濟研究取徑──新經濟社會學,其究竟在「經濟」概念化上存在著什麼樣的問題;而對「實質經濟研究取徑」的整理與推展,又可望能夠如何解決這些問題。第二章則著手整理Karl Polanyi自身對「實質經濟研究取徑」所提出的考察,並對其提出簡單的檢討與評價。在第三章中,我則正式將Karl Polanyi的「實質經濟研究取徑」應用於對現代經濟的考察上,並藉此進一步推演出一個能夠描述與解釋現代「貨幣-物品」交換經濟中,整體社會層次與長時段上的總體經濟運作樣態與成效的「自律市場」模型。最後,在第四章中,我則將把第三章所提出的「實質經濟研究取徑下的自律市場模型」,與新古典經濟學和新經濟社會學進行對照比較,以便進一步闡明「實質經濟研究取徑下的自律市場模型」的獨特性,以及其在經濟研究中的恰當運用方法。其中,在與新經濟社會學相比較的部份,我將從「檢討新經濟社會學對Karl Polanyi理論的評價方式」的問題來切入。第五章則是一個簡單的結論。 總結來說,我之所以認為「實質經濟研究取徑」將能夠比新經濟社會學(以及新古典經濟學),更恰當的把握現代社會經濟互動體系的特徵,是因為其能夠正確的指出:事實上,我們並無法從「經濟關係鑲嵌於非經濟社會關係之中」這個毋寧是正確的前提,來推衍出「經濟活動嵌入於非經濟社會關係之中」的結論。反之,被非經濟社會關係所「支持」或「構成」的經濟關係,將可能會透過一套與非經濟社會關係不同的規定與限制,來形塑出嵌入於其中的總體經濟互動樣態。更直接的說,這也就是說現代社會的經濟互動體系,應該被看作是一種主要嵌入「自律市場社會關係」與「價格自決市場社會關係」等兩種經濟性社會關係中的「自律市場」經濟。


The fundamental purpose of my study is trying to reconstruct and extend the "substantive economic research approach”, which was proposed by Karl Polanyi in Trade and Market, in the Early Empire(1957), and then use the "substantive economic research approach” to establish a sociological conceptualization and research program of the “Economy” that can solve the conceptualization problems which exist in new economic sociology. The main content of the thesis can be divided into four chapters. The first chapter discusses that the conceptualization problems of the “economy” which exist in the new economic sociology, and shows that how to apply the “substantive economy research approach” to solve these conceptualization problems. Chapter two is dedicated to reconstruct the “substantive economics research approach” and make some simple assessment and evaluation of the research approach. In the third chapter, I apply Karl Polanyi's “substantial economic research approach” to construct a “self-regulated market” model, which can describe and explain the overall economic operational pattern and the effect of the modern “money-good” exchange economy at collective level and long run. Finally, in the fourth chapter, in order to further clarify the uniqueness of “self-regulated market” model and its proper use, I compare the “self-regulated market” model which deriving from substantive economy research approach to the neoclassical economics and the new economic sociology. Moreover, I will re-evaluate the new-economic-sociology-evaluation of the theory of Karl Polanyi in the latter part of this chapter. Chapter five is a simple conclusion. In conclusion, I think the reason why “substantive economic research approach” can grasp the characteristics of the modern economic system better than new economic sociology (as well as neoclassical economics) is that : “substantive economic research approach” point out correctly that we cannot derived the inappropriate proposition that " economic activities are embedded-in the non-economic social relations " from the rather appropriate proposition that “economic relations are embedded in the non-economic social relations. On the contrary, economic relations which are supported or constituted by non-economic social relations can shape the overall economic operational pattern according to the principles that different from the principles which non-economic social relations comply with. That is to say, modern economic system ought to be identified as a “self-regulated market” economy which is embedded-in the two kinds of economic relations----the “self-regulated market social relation” and the “price-making market social relation”.


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