  • 學位論文


Study on Foliage in Green Building Systems - Its cost and Integration with BIM

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


隨著環保議題受到關注,綠建築也日益受到重視,而綠化設計除了在綠建築認證上的得分外,對於環境的降溫與人體健康也都甚有幫助,且比較各大綠建築認證指標,台灣EEWH特別將綠化量指標獨立出來,可見我國對綠化量之重視。 台灣EEWH中綠化量指標的計算主要根據各類喬木、灌木、草坪等各種植栽類型的二氧化碳固定量以及種植面積,同時考量是否為可予以得分優待的原生或誘鳥誘蝶植物,本研究開發一利用Revit建立之BIM模型計算綠化量指標之得分,並結合營建研究院出版之公共工程常用植栽手冊之苗木價格計算綠化設計之成本。另外本研究亦使用遺傳演算法開發一綠化量優化設計程式,以喬木類植栽進行綠化量設計,並根據優化結果討論各植栽被選用之頻率與植栽類型、苗木成本及是否為原生或誘鳥誘蝶植物之關聯性。


EEWH 綠化量 BIM 遺傳演算法


With the emphasis on environmental protection in recent years, green building has also become a popular and important topic. Greenery design not only plays a crucial role in green building certification systems, but also reduces the heat island effect and helps improve human health. After comparing most popular green building standards in the world, it is found that the Taiwanese green building standard, EEWH, specifically focuses on greenery design and make it an independent indicator, called “foliage.” The foliage indicator in EEWH mainly considers the carbon dioxide absorption amount of various types of plants, such as trees, bushes, and lawns. The foliage indicator also encourages the use of local plants and plants that can attract birds and butterflies by giving bonus scores in EEWH. This research aims to develop a system that can easily calculate the foliage scores of greenery design from Revit BIM models and the corresponding greenery cost. An optimization model for tree-based greenery design using the genetic algorithm was also developed. Finally, this research would discuss the use of different types of trees in greenery design and their corresponding costs and foliage scores. Whether the selected trees in greenery design are local or whether these trees can attract birds or butterflies was also considered in the discussion.


EEWH greenery foliage BIM genetic algorithm


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