  • 學位論文


Vibration Control of an Optical Table by Mechatronic Network and Piezoelectric Transducers

指導教授 : 王富正


本論文旨在探討光學減震桌之設計與控制。應用擾動響應分解技巧,結合被動式與主動式的雙層減震結構,將來自地面的震動與桌面儀器的擾動分開處理。 因壓電材料具有出力大、精度高等特性,故吾人以其作為致動器,結合控制架構的設計,形成主動式減震架構以抑制桌面儀器的擾動,並搭配氣浮式減震桌腳I-2000等被動元件進行地面震動的隔離。 由於I-2000不易調整其結構以增進減震性能,故吾人應用一個新的元件-機電網路系統,結合彈簧-阻尼系統作為減震桌腳被動架構,利用機械/電子網路的概念設計電路阻抗以增進系統隔離地面震動的性能,並搭配壓電致動器進行主動控制,以抑制桌面擾動。 因上述減震桌被動架構較軟,為避免安裝儀器時因過度晃動而造成儀器的損壞,本論文亦討論另一反向控制架構,以較硬的被動式元件抵抗桌面儀器振動,而使用主動控制來消除地面擾動的影響。


This paper proposes the design and control of an optical table, Which needs to isolate two main vibration sources, namely load disturbances from the machine and ground disturbance from the environment. However, the suspension settings to suppress these two disturbances are conflicting: they need to be soft for the ground disturbances but stiff for the load disturbances. Therefore, we apply disturbance response decoupling techniques to independently treat these two vibration sources. First, we apply passive I-2000 pneumatic LabLegsTM and the spring-damper sets to insulate the ground disturbance in a passive way and use piezoelectric transducers as active actuators to improve load responses, because of their properties, such as high accuracy and large driving force. Second, we apply a new mechatronic network to replace I-2000, because the suspension settings of I-2000 cannot be easily adjusted for performance improvement. The mechatronic network can be connected to suitable electric circuits for performance optimization. Lastly, we apply inverse control structures to the optical table: suppressing the load disturbances by the hard passive elements, and isolating the ground disturbances by active control. From the simulation and experimental results, the designs are deemed effective.


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