  • 學位論文


The New Market Field of Long-term Care Industry - Innovation and Integration Strategy among the Day Care Centers and Home Care Centers

指導教授 : 洪一薰


台灣在未來14年內,將躍升為「超高齡社會」,亦即每五人就有一人是老人。隨著高齡化社會的人口變遷下,國人家庭結構與家庭照顧成員亦隨之改變,加上教育水準普遍提升,高齡者對自主生活和照顧方式將更重視。歐美日等已開發國家也提出「在地老化」(aging in place)的政策目標,認為長期照護應該盡可能協助高齡者留住家中,維持獨立常態的生活。而近年來,政府亦積極推動「去機構化」,將安養機構之功能擴散至社區中,使高齡者能生活在自己住慣的社區或家中接受「社區模式」的整體照顧服務。包含有居家照顧與社區日間照顧兩種獨立型態的照顧內容,合稱為「社區照顧服務」。居家照顧是長期照顧的最上游,為最廣泛普遍的需求,而日間照顧也是從居家照顧過渡到機構照顧的過程中,對高齡者的身心適應極為重要的中游緩衝階段。隨著社會老化的加深,對兩者的需求與供給量應該與日俱增,但在國內現況上卻是不然。因為照顧服務是勞力密集的產業特性但目前的報酬卻仍不高,以及錯置政策所引進廉價看護外傭的替代效應,造成社區型照顧服務產業一直無法順利在民間蓬勃發展。 本研究係以質性研究為主,透過資料整理、企業訪談及產業策略分析作為研究方法。冀望透過了解照顧服務產業的現行狀況、影響原因提出正向的政策建議以及創新設計的經營方式,來改善現階段的高齡者照顧型態,思考以增加社區式照顧服務的量能來減少對機構式照顧的需求,並能增益其身心健康與機能維持,進而延緩其老化衰退之進程與相對的醫療資源消耗。


Taiwan is soon to be a "super-aged society" in a couple of decades-more than 20% of population are senior people. In an aging society, family structures and family caring members will be changed when demographic characteristics change. The independent and comfortable living way for the elderly is an interesting research topic while developed countries have made "aging in place" as the main stream of long-term caring policy objectives, where aging in place is to assist an elderly staying at home for an independent and enjoyable life. In recent years, the governments are also actively promoting the "deinstitutionalization" of long-term care. The feature and capability of nursing centers can be seen in the community and home so that the elderly can live in their own familiar community or home. Including home care and day care, the community care is composed of two separate types of long-term care, collectively referred to as "community care services." Home Care is the most upstream of the long-term care for the most widely popular demand. While the Day Care is a transition from institutional care to home care. Both the demand and supply of community care are expected to be growing in the current aging society. However, we do not observe the growing trend in Taiwan due to the low-cost and substitution effects of foreign caregivers in Taiwan. This results in that community-based care service industry has been unable to successfully thrive as a private business. This study is to propose policy recommendations and innovative-designed operated ways to improve the current care patterns of elderly in a community. The proposed concepts can benefit the physical and mental health of elderly people; thereby delaying the aging process and diminishing the relative consumption of medical resources.


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