  • 學位論文


A Study on the Initials of Xuan-ying’s Yi Qie Jing Yin Yi

指導教授 : 李存智


唐代玄應《一切經音義》為佛教大藏經中注音釋義的著作,本論文從同與異二角度探討《一切經音義》聲母系統。「同」指《一切經音義》聲母系統與《切韻》聲母系統相符,相較於前賢多由字母格局切入討論,本文另闢蹊徑,比對《一切經音義》與《切韻》切語與反切上字,得出《一切經音義》聲母系統近似《切韻》,玄應以《切韻》為注音標準,因而聲母系統不具鮮明方音性格。「異」指《一切經音義》與《切韻》聲母音韻地位相異之切語,異切反映玄應所屬方音,以及特定聲類與個別讀音的音變階段與音讀類型。音變階段與音讀類型反映語音發展不平衡,不僅方音間緩速有別、方向各異,方音內部的語音發展更未曾同步,本論文以音變的普遍規律分析異切,將之納入漢語語音演變歷程的一環。並歸納異切語音特徵,得出玄應方音應為唐代西北方音。 自同與異二角度探討《一切經音義》,玄應遵守《切韻》音系格局,就其書性質而言,為以雅言為主體的音義,此為《一切經音義》漢語史定位。玄應除依循《切韻》聲母系統之外,《一切經音義》尚點染些許方音色彩,映照出漢語聲母的階段性發展,呼應音變的普遍性,此為《一切經音義》漢語史價值。


Yi Qie Jing Yin Yi, written by Xuan-ying in the Tang Dynasty, is a work that interprets the sound and the meaning of words in the Chinese Tripitaka. This paper discusses the initials of Yi Qie Jing Yin Yi from two aspects: the “similarities”and the “differences”. “Similarities” means that the initials of Yi Qie Jing Yin Yi and of the Qie Yun are similar. I examine the initials of Yi Qie Jing Yin Yi with “Fan Qie” and “Fan Qie Shang Zi”, and the conclusion is that the initials of Yi Qie Jing Yin Yi is similar to the initials of Qie Yun. The phonology of Qie Yun is the paradigm of the Yi Qie Jing Yin Yi. “Differences” means the different phonological status between the initials of Yi Qie Jing Yin Yi and Qie Yun. I call those “Fan Qie” as “Yi Qie”. “Yi Qie” is the reflection of Xuan-ying’s dialect, strata of Chinese sound and type of Chinese sound. I analyze “Yi Qie” by phonological rules, and infer that Xuan-ying’s dialect belongs to Tang Dynasty Xi-Bei dialect. Yi Qie Jing Yin Yi follows the phonology of Qie Yun. It’s phonological property is “literary language”, and it is the historical status of Yi Qie Jing Yin Yi. And “Yi Qie” corresponds with the general phonological rules, it is the historical value of Yi Qie Jing Yin Yi.


一、 古籍
文淵閣四庫全書》冊224,臺北市 : 臺灣商務, 1983年。
