  • 學位論文


Evaluating Hedging Strategies of Multiple Foreign Exchanges - Case Study

指導教授 : 陳釗而


國際貿易在台灣經濟當中扮演著舉足輕重的角色,亦是台灣出口廠商獲利的重要來源。出口商在賺取外匯時,往往都會執行避險策略以規避匯率波動所帶來之獲利上的風險。然而,企業在執行外匯避險策略時,若發生操作不當或判斷錯誤等因素,亦有可能造成公司的重大損失。有鑑於此,本文研究目的為將外匯避險策略做更為精確地分析,並為使研究結果更貼切實務,本文將研究目的細分為四個案例:「不做預判匯率-風險極小化」、「不做預判匯率-報酬/風險極大化」、「做出預判匯率-風險極小化」和「做出預判匯率-報酬/風險極大化」,期望可以使結果讓外匯避險策略的績效分析更有實際參考價值。 本文研究設定標的企業為電子產品的出口商企業,標的匯率使用美元兌新台幣,研究期間設定為1995/01/01~2014/12/31,並以最廣為使用的遠期外匯做為避險工具,至於避險天期則選擇探討10天、30天、60天、90天、180天五種。而在探討避險策略的部分,本文將其分為避險部位(未避險、完全避險和最適避險-最小變異法)、避險頻率(全段式與分段式),以及避險選擇性(固定性與選擇性)這三部分,並交叉組合成8個避險策略,以讓企業能有更多元且完整的績效參考。而為了評測「風險極小化」和「報酬/風險極大化」兩個避險目的之避險績效,本文分別使用Johnson(1960)提出的最小變異數模型,以及本文提出的「單位風險報酬差」做為避險效果的檢視。 本文實證結果除了找出各案例最佳之避險策略之外,大致可以歸納出以下兩點:第一,當避險目的為追求避險後風險越小越好,大致上可以發現完全避險較最適避險佳、固定性較選擇性佳、全段式較分段式佳等現象。第二,當避險目的是希望在規避風險之餘,報酬不被侵蝕太多,甚至期望報酬得以增加時,大致上可以發現最適避險較完全避險佳、選擇性較固定性佳、分段式較全段式佳等現象。


International trade plays an important role in Taiwanese economics, which is also one of the important sources of profit to exporters in Taiwan. Thus, an exporter usually executes hedging strategies to hedge volatility of foreign exchange when trading. However, if improper operations or mistakes happen during execution, it could still make huge loss. In view of this probability, the purpose of this research, which was subdivided into four cases, was to make analyses of foreign exchange hedging strategies accurate and closer to reality. Hope that the results have more practical reference value. This research set industry to be an electronic product exporter, exchange rate to be USD/NTD, research time period to be 1.1.1995 to 12.31.2014, tool to be forward exchange which is most broadly used, and hedging time period to be 10 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, and 180 days. Moreover, this research divides hedging strategies into 3 parts: hedging ratio, hedging frequency, and hedging selectivity. And constituted 8 hedging strategies to provide a more diversified and complete reference. And to evaluate the effectiveness of “risk minimization” and “reward/risk maximization”, this research used Minimum-Variance model (Johnson, 1960) and “reward difference per risk” provided by this paper respectively. Besides the best hedging strategies of cases, the results also show 2 conclusions. First, if the purpose of hedging is to minimize risk, total hedging is better than optimized hedging, fixed hedging is better than selective hedging, and entire hedging is better than segmental hedging. Second, if the purpose of hedging is to maximize the difference of reward per risk, optimized hedging is better than total hedging, selective hedging is better than fixed hedging, and segmental hedging is better than entire hedging.


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