  • 學位論文


A Study on the Business Model of Home Care Service - A Cross Country Analysis

指導教授 : 廖咸興


由於醫療技術進步、生活品質改善以及健康飲食意識逐漸抬頭,人類的壽命不但延長也減緩了老化的速度,家庭結構已經改變,高齡人口比率逐年增加,許多國家已逐步走向超高齡社會。 本研究係從歐美日等先進國家的社會照顧服務政策發展、制度改革以及檢視國內外政府及企業在居家照顧服務政策執行上的特色與缺失兩個面向進行比較,探討居家照顧服務商業模式之間運作的差異性,並運用企業競爭態勢分析方法與跨國比較研究之結果彙整歸納出本研究之目的結論。 全球高齡化的趨勢,歐美日等各國公私立機構已經著手推動以社區為主的居家照顧服務,針對不同國家文化導入在地化之解決方案。除了失能者的照顧問題,銀光經濟也是不可忽略的重要議題,健康高齡者龐大的居家照顧服務需求,也代表了新的機會及市場,在高齡社會能夠洞燭機先的企業,就有機會在高齡市場的經濟發展中看見商機,將焦點回歸到使用者需求,在符合市場機制的原則下找到最佳的商業模式。 本研究發現世界各國的社會照顧政策皆已朝向在地老化,整合政府及企業資源以社區型居家照顧服務模式提供被照顧者所需要的重要服務,例如可自由選擇的彈性服務項目、即時取得資訊的平台及全年365天24小時不間斷服務。附加價值服務為送餐、到府清潔、住宅改善及提供專業令人安心的居家照顧服務員。 針對全球高齡化趨勢所帶來的商機,本研究建議透過政府與民間企業合作、活化閒置公共空間、扁平化高效率的專業團隊、採用低成本高品質的性價比策略、運用虛實整合模式、重視使用者體驗並持續在產品及服務開發上創新。聚焦於更具個人及商機利益的照護預防,並提供高齡者達成馬斯洛需求層次理論最高目標之自我實現的產品及服務,將會是未來銀光經濟的最佳商業模式。


Due to the good medical development and healthy awareness, human life has not only prolonged but also slowed down the pace of aging. The social structure has been changed, and the proportion of the elderly population has increased year by year. Many countries have gradually moved toward super-aged society. This study compares the development and institutional reform of social care services in advanced countries such as Europe, the United States and Japan, as well as examining the lacks and features of domestic and foreign governments and enterprises in the implementation of home care services, exploring the business model of home care services. The difference in operation and the conclusion of the purpose of this study is summarized by using the results of the enterprise competitive situation analysis method and the results of cross-country comparative studies. With the trend of global aging, public and private institutions in Europe, America and Japan have begun to promote community-based home care services and introduce localized solutions for different national cultures. In addition to the care of the disabled, the longevity economy is also an important issue that cannot be ignored. The study found that social care policies in all countries of the world have been integrating government and corporate resources to provide important services in a community-based home care service model and proposes to activate idle public spaces, adopt cost-effective strategies, and continue to innovate in product and service. Focusing on more care prevention, and providing self-fulfilling products and services of needs, will be the best business model for the longevity economy in the future.


一、 中文文獻
