  • 期刊


A preliminary study on the operation of home care service team




Introduction: The dispatch mechanism and service management are the key to improving the efficiency and quality of home care service. Chiayi Christian Hospital provide home care services in 18 towns of Chiayi County. The main purpose of this study is exploring: (1) how to classify and plan to provide service in the area of Chiayi under the influence of urban-rural gap and workforce restrictions. (2) how to establish the model of care service circles to provide home care. Method: The research data were collected through a number of methods including relevant secondary information, the management interview and the participant observation. Results: (1) Three factors to determine the scope of the care service circles include traffic time and distance, quantity and culture of regional service, and job requirements, personality and professional ability of home care workers. (2) The care service circles promote the retention of home care workers by improving their working environment, improve efficiency in the service delivery process, and increase workforce productivity by adjusting the organization's service management approaches. (3) The operation of the care service circles is affected by different regions of the geographical environment and cultural characteristics. Recommendations: For central government, the study suggests planning different service delivery methods in response to regional differences, including costs of risk in traffic in mountainous area and offshore island. Moreover, the concept of home care service circles extends to future integrated service planning. For local government, it can centralize the service scope of the service organization and conduct regional care resource surveys in supply and demand.


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