  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on the Reform of Parole System in Taiwan - A Comparative Analysis with Japan

指導教授 : 李茂生


自由刑的實施對於當事人而言勢必產生未來一定程度的社會生活阻礙,因此銜接的社會內處遇相當必要,其中,假釋制度在現行法律現況下,不論時間點或是實施方式,都是擔綱此種社會復歸協助角色最適當的制度設計。然而,假釋制度原本是在多重處遇觀點與政策需求下所誕生,因此對於假釋的定性、假釋期間的判斷、假釋過程當中國家與受刑人之間的關係,在實際運作的過程中仍存在著許多可見與不可見的社會力交互作用,在企圖追求監獄行刑法宣示的社會復歸處遇觀點之下,觀察制度運作卻可以觀察到忽視矯治教化功能、僅著重對於再犯數字的管理與受刑人的監視之性格,背後的動力則是國家為了社會防衛的需求而採取隔離無害化的犯罪風險管理動機。 本論文針對我國現行假釋制度進行考察,並以社會復歸協助的角度檢視其遭遇的阻礙與不足,發現目前我國對於假釋的定性並非權利的觀點導致了假釋制度運行的不穩定本質,並且假釋付保護管束期間對於資源挹注的不重視也深刻影響了保護管束運作對於受刑人復歸社會協助的實質效果,而更生保護的運作現狀也受到相當侷限,假釋期間的現行制度諸多設計方式,也使得觀護體系難以實施具有意義的保護管束工作。論文並進一步考察日本現行的假釋制度現況,觀察同樣作為提前釋放的假釋制度、同樣面對國內多重的社會力與處遇目標相互衝撞,假釋的發展在兩國之間呈現了如何的風貌,發現日本為了充實假釋期間保護觀察之機能設計了貫穿式的處遇,並且結合官方與民間的力量投入出獄後的資源挹注,更是為了確保保護觀察之期間而設計了新的刑罰類型。論文最後,則基於對日本現狀之考察,進行對我國假釋制度的回顧與反思,提出我國未來針對假釋制度改革可能的政策建議方向。


The imposition of imprisonment always comes with obstacles for prisoners’ rehabilitation after release. Hence, it is required to build up a system of training program of independent living capability. In the current legal state, the parole system, with its enforced timing and the implementing method, can serve as a suitable system to carry out the goals of rehabilitation. However, the parole system was built under multiple needs of treatment and policies, which still influences how the system goal is explained, the period of parole, the relation between criminals and the state, and so on. The implementation of the current parole system is the manifestation of the conflicts between all these social forces, when some are struggling to carry out the purpose of prisoners correction and adjustment that was declared by the Prison Act, the factual administration shows how this declaration is neglected, while the management of recidivism rate and surveillance of criminals are strongly emphasized, with the state’s need of social defense serving as the power behind this phenomenon. This study focuses on the review on Taiwan’s current parole system, to explore what problems and obstacles are faced when carrying out the goal of rehabilitation. It is found that the non-right legal state of parole has resulted in the unstable implement of the parole process and also kept the resources from being meaningfully imposed to the criminals during the period of parole, which has made it less possible to help criminals. The help provided by the aftercare system is also limited, and the design of the time period of parole also keeps it away from creating practical probation work. Instead, the current Japanese parole system, with quite similar legal articles, provides a different picture. In order to enrich the function of probation, Japan has built a throughcare treatment system, combining the effort from both the government sector and the citizen sector, and even created a new kind of penalty to make a stable probation time period possible. After the review of the Japanese parole system, this study turns to our country to reflect and propose several suggestions for the future reformation of our parole system and policy.


一、 中文部分(依作者姓名筆畫排列)
1. 吳永達等(2017),《我國假釋制度之效能評估:兼論英國、美國、瑞典、日本的制度走向》,法務部司法官學院、法務部矯正署106年自體研究案研究成果報告書。
2. 法務部(2018),《法務部統計手冊》。
3. 林順昌(2009),《觀護法論——社會復歸與社會防衛之間的拔河》,桃園:自版。
4. 林順昌(2019),《觀護再論》,台北:元照。
