  • 學位論文


A Visualization Tool of Interactive Charts

指導教授 : 項潔


資料視覺化讓資訊傳遞與溝通更有效率,隨著網路瀏覽器的全面普及、資料量大幅擴增以及各式分析工具的誕生,現行的資料視覺化工具對使用者而言並不友善,往往各系統提供的都是靜態視覺化呈現,使用者無法自己探索資料,只能接收開發者給出的訊息,這是相當可惜的。本研究旨在讓各式網頁系統得以將欲呈現的表格以互動統計圖組的方式,讓使用者自行探索表格資料的特性。 本研究工具透過介面化的製圖、模組化產生圖表物件並對圖表物件附加對表格分析有幫助的互動效果,讓使用者得以自由組建、設計有興趣的圖組,並以”篩選”及”凸顯”兩互動效果讓使用者對組建出的圖組進行交叉比對分析研究。同時,對於開發者而言,並不需要花費多餘的時間成本,簡單的嵌入JavaScript程式檔、指定表格與顯示區塊後,便能讓使用者以各自關心的角度去了解表格。 統計圖表提供指定維度的屬性分析整理;互動效果提供對數據的限定範圍檢視與特定範圍在整體中的分布情況檢視。統計圖表表格之互動視覺化工具讓使用者得以自行組件互動圖組,促使網頁製作更容易達成優質的使用者定義互動視覺化,推進互動視覺化的發展,讓資訊更容易被傳遞與理解。


Data visualization makes the information transfer more efficient. The visualization tools used today usually provide only a static facet of the data. However, users always want to explore the interesting data on their own. It's more and more defective as the age of big data coming and different users are interested in different data facet. This thesis finds a way to make users explore the tabular data unrestrictedly by design and operate the interactive charts by themselves. To make charts through user interface by modularized process and interactive event is the tool’s core idea. The developers can simply use this tool by embedding the lightweight Javascript library and providing the tabular data and a html div. The statistic charts give organized information of selected dims of the table (columns). The interactive events, filter and highlight, let the different views of the table(rows) can be read and compared. So that the information behind the tabular data can be completely read and discovered by general user.


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