  • 學位論文


Effects of Temperature, Light Intensity and Salicylic Acid on Photosynthesis and the Growth of Anthurium andreanum Lind.

指導教授 : 張育森


火鶴花為台灣重要經濟花卉作物之一,可周年生產。本研究首先探討火鶴花生殖生長過程的生長週期;主要探討溫度與光強度對火鶴花光合作用與生育品質之影響;其次探討在不同氣溫下,葉片光飽和點之變化;最後探討生長調節劑對火鶴花高溫逆境耐熱性及促進苗期生長的可行性。 火鶴花生長週期方面,生殖生長時期,每一生長單位依序由小鱗片葉、大鱗片葉、葉芽、花芽、側芽及休眠芽組成,小大鱗片葉為保護芽體之特化葉片,葉芽發育成為心形葉片,花芽發育成為心形花朵,側芽為下一次新的生長單位,休眠芽為不發育的芽體。 溫度與光強度試驗方面,將火鶴花‘Montero’栽培於人工氣候室三種溫度(日夜溫30/25 ℃、25/20 ℃、20/15 ℃),分別進行兩種遮陰處理(單層遮陰處理:光度300-400 μmol•m-2•s-1、雙層遮陰處理:光度100-200 μmol•m-2•s-1)。就淨光合作用而言,同一溫度下,單層遮陰的光合速率均比雙層遮陰為佳,連續兩年試驗都以25/20 ℃單層遮陰處理 (300-400 μmol•m-2•s-1) 光合速率最高。就花朵生育品質而言,試驗第一年主要受光強度影響,單層遮陰處理表現較好,以25/20 ℃單層遮陰處理最佳,第二年則受到光強度與養分蓄積影響,以20/15 ℃單層或雙層遮陰處理最佳,兩年都以30/25℃雙層遮陰處理表現最差。高溫處理(30/25 ℃)雖然通常葉片和花朵的生育速度較快,但品質降低;低溫處理(20/15 ℃)生育速度緩慢,產量低,但品質較高。 氣溫對光合效率變化方面,選用火鶴花兩品種‘Montero’與‘Titicaca’,置於模擬35、30、25、20 ℃四種氣溫的生長箱,各給予10種光強度(0、50、100、200、300、400、500、600、700、800 μmol•m-2•s-1),處理環境於植株馴化30分鐘。 30 ℃下‘Montero’與‘Titicaca’植株,光飽和點分別為300、200 μmol•m-2•s-1;25 ℃光飽和點皆為800、700 μmol•m-2•s-1,20 ℃下,兩品種光飽和點分別為600、500 μmol•m-2•s-1。35 ℃高溫下,蒸散作用與蒸氣壓差比其他三組溫度高,但淨光合作用值卻明顯較低。火鶴花在涼溫環境,光合作用系統對光強度利用率更高,可提高光強度至500-700 μmol•m-2•s-1,而以25 ℃生長箱所測得光飽和點最高。當外界氣溫超過30 ℃時,則必須降至300-400 μmol•m-2•s-1之內,可減緩葉片光合作用降低的情況。 外施水楊酸對火鶴花於高溫逆境耐熱性之影響,澆灌100、200及400 μM三種水楊酸濃度,觀察火鶴花(成苗)兩品種‘Tropical’及‘Senator’在35/30 ℃高溫逆境下植株生長之表現。火鶴花‘Senator’施用三種濃度水楊酸皆可維持植株較高的葉綠素螢光、光子產量以及有較少的葉片燒焦數,顯示施用水楊酸可有效降低火鶴花‘Senator’在高溫逆境的葉片傷害,其中以200與400 μM兩種水楊酸效果最好。而火鶴花‘Tropical’與對照組比較下,其葉綠素螢光、光子產量、淨光合作用值及葉片燒焦數皆無顯著差異。35/30 ℃高溫逆境下,施用水楊酸於‘Senator’,花朵消蕾數有降低的趨勢,雖統計上無顯著差異;另一品種‘Tropical’花苞顏色有退色以及花朵不展開而消蕾的現象。 外施蕓苔素內酯 (Brassinolide, BL) 與激勃素 (GA3) 對火鶴花苗期生長之影響,葉施250、500 ppm GA3、0.01、0.1、1 μM BL及250 ppm GA3 + 0.01μM BL混合藥劑於火鶴花‘Pistache’中苗 (栽培1年)。試驗結果顯示施用0.01、0.1、1 μM 三種濃度BL對火鶴花‘Pistache’株高、新葉片寬長、葉綠素計讀值及淨光合作用亦有增加的趨勢,其中1μM BL之處理綜合表現最好,500 ppm GA3對植株生長並無顯著差異,但施用250 ppm GA3 + 0.01μM BL兩種混合藥劑對植株生長表現,與對照組之植株表現相比較亦有提高。單獨噴施BL對火鶴花生長效果較顯著。BL可促進火鶴花‘Pistache’中苗生長發育的功能,明顯增加葉綠素計讀值且提高光合作用,以提高火鶴花生長速度。


火鶴花 光合作用 溫度 光強度 水楊酸


Anthurium andreanum Linden is one of main economy flower crops in Taiwan. Flowers are produced throughout the year. First, this study is to observe in detail the sequence of its life cycle during the reproductive growth phase. Second, to investigate the effects of temperature and light intensity on net photosynthesis and the growth of Anthurium. Third, to analysis the changes of the light saturation point under the different air temperature conditions. Finally, to determine the heat tolerance of high temperature and improvement of growth in Anthurium with exogenous the plant growth regulators. For the treatment of temperature and light intensity, plants of Anthurium ‘Montero’ are grown in 30/25 ℃, 25/20 ℃, 20/15 ℃ day/night temperature conditions with two shade cloths for two year treatments. One is treated by single shade cloth and the average photon flux density is 300 to 400 μmol•m-2•s-1. The other is treated by double shade cloths and the average photon flux density is 100 to 200 μmol•m-2•s-1. For three day/night temperature conditions, the net photosynthesis of plants in single shade treatment are higher than in double shade treatment. The net photosynthesis of plants under 25/20 ℃ with single shade treatment are the highest for two year experiments. The quality of the flower grown in the single shade cloth are better than the double shade cloths for the first-year treatment. 25/20 ℃ with single shade treatment have the highest quality of the flower. Higher light intensity is important factor for the first-year treatment. 20/15 ℃ with single shade treatment are the best quality of the flower for the second-year treatment because of light intensity and accumulation of photosynthate. 30/25 ℃ with the double shade treatment are the worst quality of the flower for two year treatments. The days to mature on a leaf and a flower decrease under higher day/night temperature conditions, but the quality of the flower will be worse;however, the days to mature increase under lower day/night temperature conditions, the quality of the flower will be better. The two cultivars of ‘Montero’ and ‘Titicaca’ are separately acclimated to the 35, 30, 25, and 20 ℃air temperature growth chamber for thirty minutes. The two cultivars are determined the net photosynthesis with ten light intensity (0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 μmol•m-2•s-1) under four air temperature growth chambers. Under 30 ℃ growth chamber, the light saturation points of ‘Montero’ and ‘Titicaca’ are 300 and 200 μmol•m-2•s-1. Under 25 ℃growth chamber, their the light saturation points are both 800、700 μmol•m-2•s-1. Under 20 ℃growth chamber, they are separately 600 and 500 μmol•m-2•s-1. The transpiration and vapour pressure deficits under 35 ℃growth chamber are higher than other three growth chambers, and lower net photosynthesis. These results suggest Anthurium are cultivated on higher light intensity from 500 to 700 μmol•m-2•s-1 under 20-25 ℃ conditions. If air temperature is above 30 ℃, light intensity should be carefully controlled between 300 and 400 μmol•m-2•s-1 to prevent net photosynthesis from decreasing. The application of exogenous salicylic acid can enhance heat tolerance of Anthurium on high temperature. The adult plants of the two cultivars ‘Tropical’ and ‘Senator’ are irrigated to 100, 200, and 400 μM salicylic acid concentrations before 35/30 ℃ heat treatment. When irrigated to three concentrations, Anthurium ‘Senator’ have higher Fv/Fm, quantum yield and lower number of burned leaf. The result demonstrates the exogenous salicylic acid can availably decrease the damage of leaf of Anthurium ‘Senator’ on high temperature by irrigated to 200 and 400 μM salicylic acid concentrations. In Anthurium ‘Tropical’ plants, Fv/Fm, quantum yield, net photosynthesis and number of burned leaf with the treatment of exogenous salicylic acid are all not significant statistically. The flower abortion of Anthurium ‘Senator’ decreases slightly by irrigated to salicylic acid under 35/30 ℃ condition though it is not significant statistically. The red color of spathe on Anthurium ‘Tropical’ becomes light red ,and the flower bud is aborted under 35/30 ℃ condition. The application of exogenous brassinolide and gibberellin can improve the vegetative growth of Anthurium. The one-year-plants on Anthurium ‘Pistache’ are sprayed with 250, 500 ppmGA3, 0.01, 0.1, 1 μM BL and 250 ppm GA3 + 0.01μM BL. These results demonstrates foliar spraying with three BL concentrations increases plant height, the wide and length of new leaf, CMR, and net photosynthetic rate. The treatment with 1μM BL are highest plant height, the width and length, CMR and net photosynthetic rate. The treatment with two concentrations GA3 don’t improve the growth of Anthurium significantly ,but the height of plant on 500 ppm GA3 slightly increase and the treatment with 250 ppm GA3 + 0.01μM BL are higher plant height compared with control. The growth improvement of one-year-plants on Anthurium ‘Pistache’ by only foliar spraying with BL are significant. BL can improve the vegetative growth of Anthurium and increases CMR or net photosynthesis.


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