  • 學位論文


Effect of carbon dioxide and light condition on growth and quality of vegetables

指導教授 : 呂廷森 陳福旗


植物工廠的技術逐漸受到重視,在人為控制下,提供植物最佳環境, 以助於作物生長。本研究探討不同日光燈光強度(81 μmolm-2s-1 與151 μmolm-2s-1)與複合式 LED 光源搭配不同CO2 濃度(385 ppm 和700 ppm),對於走入式植物生長箱中持續24 小時光照栽培冷季蔬菜(萵苣、 芫荽、茼蒿)與暖季蔬菜(蕹菜、葉用甘藷、冰花)生長及品質之影響。 冷季蔬菜與暖季蔬菜在各光源栽培中,以 LED 光源栽培的生長較 佳,而 CO2 濃度的提升可促進其生長,但會降低芫荽和茼蒿之地上部鮮 乾重。此外,芫荽和茼蒿在 700 ppm CO2 搭配 LED 光源栽培下可縮短 生長週期,促進開花;而冰花於 700 ppm CO2 搭配151 μmolm-2s-1 的日 光燈光源栽培其生長發育受抑制。CO2 與光強度對於萵苣、芫荽、蕹菜 與葉用甘藷生育表現並無交感效應。而 CO2 與光源於各冷季蔬菜與冰花 不同生育特性上則具交感效應。 各蔬菜中萵苣、茼蒿和葉用甘藷、冰花在81 μmolm-2s-1 的日光燈下 具有較高的葉綠素與類胡蘿蔔素含量,而各冷季與暖季蔬菜之類黃酮含 量則均以151 μmolm-2s-1 的日光燈較高。CO2 濃度的增加有助於茼蒿與各 暖季蔬菜的葉綠素與類胡蘿蔔素含量提升,但萵苣在高 CO2 濃度色素含 量較低。此外冰花以700 ppm CO2 搭配151 μmolm-2s-1 的日光燈其葉綠素 也顯著較低。CO2 與光強度於芫荽、蕹菜、葉用甘藷與冰花之色素含量 有交感效應存在。CO2 與光源則對於萵苣、芫荽及各暖季蔬菜不同色素有交感效應。 各冷季蔬菜的萵苣和暖季蔬菜中蕹菜與葉用甘藷以151 μmolm-2s-1 的日光燈栽培,抗壞血酸與可溶性固形物含量較高,但芫荽和冰花以81 μmolm-2s-1 的日光燈栽培有較高的抗壞血酸含量。CO2 濃度的增加使冷季 蔬菜抗壞血酸含量也有增加的趨勢,芫荽和茼蒿可溶性固形物則會降 低,但萵苣則有所增加,而暖季蔬菜抗壞血酸含量則皆有降低趨勢;各 光源下蕹菜與葉用甘藷之可溶性固形物皆增加,冰花則僅於 LED 光源 有增加。CO2 與光強度對各蔬菜作物僅於茼蒿可溶性固形物含量有交感 效應存在。而 CO2 與光源則於萵苣、芫荽和冰花之可溶性固形物含量有 交感影響。各蔬菜之抗壞血酸則於因子間均無交感效應。 冷季蔬菜以151 μmolm-2s-1 日光燈栽培具有最大的光合速率、氣孔導 度和蒸散速率,暖季蔬菜中蕹菜與葉用甘藷同樣以151 μmolm-2s-1 日光燈 栽培具有最大的光合速率,但冰花則以81 μmolm-2s-1 日光燈栽培最高, 氣孔導度和蒸散速率皆以151 μmolm-2s-1 日光燈最低。而當 CO2 增加至 700 ppm,各蔬菜之光合速率也會有所增加,氣孔導度和蒸散速率則會下 降。CO2 與光強度僅於萵苣光合速率上有交感效應,但各暖季蔬菜於不 同光合特性具有交感效應。CO2 與光源則僅有茼蒿和冰花之光合特性有 交感影響。


二氧化碳 光照 蔬菜 生長


Plant factory, being emphasized recently, under artificial control may provide ideal environment to be good for crop growth. In this study, different light sources, including fluorescent light (Fl) (81 µmolm-2s-1 and 151 µmolm-2s-1) and composite light-emitting diode (LED) combined with different concentrations of CO2 (385 ppm and 700 ppm) were used for 24 hours in growth chamber to study their effects on growth and quality of cool-season vegetables (lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), and crown daisy (Chrysanthemum coronarium)) and warm-season vegetables (water spinach (Ipomoea aquatic), leafy sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L.), and ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum)). The growth of cool-season and warm-season vegetables was better in LED light and high CO2, but shoot fresh and dry weights of coriander and crown daisy were decreased. In addition, both crops flowered early with 700 ppm CO2 under LED. The growth of ice plant was inhibited with 700 ppm CO2 at 151 µmolm-2s-1 Fl. CO2 and light intensity had no interaction on the growth of lettuce, coriander, water spinach, and leafy sweet potato. However, CO2 and light source had interaction effect on the growth of cool-season vegetables and ice plant. No interaction effect was found in the growth of cool-season vegetables, water spinach, and leafy sweet potato between CO2 and light intensity. However, CO2 and light source had interaction effect on the growth of cool-season vegetables and ice plant. The chlorophyll and carotenoids contents of lettuce, crown daisy, leafy sweet potatoes, and ice plant were higher at 81 µmolm-2s-1 Fl, while flavonoids content of cool-season vegetables and warm-season vegetables was higher at 151 µmolm-2s-1 Fl. The chlorophyll and carotenoids content of crown daisy, and warm-season vegetables increased in 700 ppm CO2, but not lettuce. In addition, chlorophyll content of ice plant was also significantly decreased in 700 ppm with 151 µmolm-2s-1 Fl. There was no interaction between CO2 and light intensity on the pigment content of coriander, water spinach, leafy sweet potato, and ice plant. CO2 and light source had interaction effect on different pigment contents of lettuce, coriander, and warm-season vegetables. The content of ascorbic acid and soluble solids of lettuce, water spinach, and leafy sweet potato was higher at 151 µmolm-2s-1 Fl, but for coriander and ice plant higher at 81 µmolm-2s-1 Fl. The ascorbic acid content of cool-season vegetables increased in high CO2, while soluble solids content of coriander, and crown daisy decreased in high CO2, but lettuce was increased. In high CO2 concentration, the ascorbic acid content of warm-season vegetables were decreased but soluble solids content of water spinach, and leafy sweet potato increased. The soluble solid content of ice plant increased only under LED light with high CO2. Interaction effect existed only in the soluble solids content of crown daisy in the environment of CO2 and light intensity. CO2 and light source had interaction effect on the soluble solid content of lettuce, coriander, and ice plant. On other hand, CO2 and light had interaction effect on ascorbic acid of all vegetables examined. Photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate of cool-season vegetables at 151 µmolm-2s-1 Fl were higher and photosynthetic rate of spinach and leafy sweet potato also higher, but that of ice plant higher at 81 µmolm-2s-1 Fl. The stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of warm-season vegetables were lower at 151 µmolm-2s-1 Fl. The photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate of all vegetables decreased in 700 ppm CO2. Interaction effect did exist only in the photosynthetic rate of lettuce in the environment of CO2 and light intensity, but different photosynthetic characteristics of warm-season vegetables. CO2 and light source had interaction effect on different photosynthetic characteristics of crown daisy and ice plant.


Carbon dioxide light vegetables growth


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