  • 學位論文


Preliminary Study of Forest Restoration In Aofengshan

指導教授 : 邱祈榮


頻繁的火燒干擾使得鰲峰山地區大量的森林植被轉為草生地,為瞭解鰲峰山地區森林景觀退化原因、火燒干擾特性及森林生態復育的潛能,本研究利用不同年份的航照圖分析鰲峰山地區的景觀結構與變遷,及探討其與森林生態退化的關連;再利用森林田野火燒調查資料,分析鰲峰山地區的火燒干擾特性及界定火燒敏感區;最後藉著調查不同的植被型態,以瞭解鰲峰山地區的生態演替過程及評估森林生態復育的潛能。 鰲峰山地區殘存的森林區塊多位於不與墓區或農路直接相鄰的陡坡地;大面積的草生地則多位於不適於農作的緩坡區,且多與公、私墓相鄰、或夾雜其間;1977至2002年間,鰲峰山地區的森林面積約減少四分之三(211.5公頃),草生地面積則成長3倍,從71.1公頃增加至222.9公頃;2002年因福爾摩沙高速公路完成後之邊坡造林及部分林地自然復育,2004年的森林及疏林面積已略有增加。鰲峰山地區的火燒干擾主要來自燃燒垃圾、雜草、紙錢不慎所引起,好發於每年十月至翌年四月,其中尤以三、四月的掃墓季節為高峰期;依火燒干擾發生頻率及影響面積,選出12個火燒敏感區,其中有6個地區主要火燒原因為燃燒垃圾不慎所引起。鰲峰山地區目前的森林生態演替階段,是由相思樹、苦楝、烏桕等陽性樹種所組成的次生林;就觀察所見,在自然條件良好地區進行自然復育,或利用相思樹進行造林,約6年即可成林。 鰲峰山地區森林植被退化的主因,乃為土地利用方式不當而造成火燒干擾,整體而言,鰲峰山地區自然生態復原能力良好,但仍有種子庫豐富度不足及缺乏多樣性的。故鰲峰山的森林復育計畫,除必須有效控制火燒的發生頻率及影響範圍外,尚須引進多樣性鄉土樹種以改變植被組成與結構,並在取得社區居民共識下改變鰲峰山目前的土地利用方式。


A great amount of forest in Aofengshan has degraded by human-caused fire. The purpose of this thesis was attempt to address the root causes of forest loss and degradation, to analyze the characteristic of fire, and to evaluate the restoration potential of Aofengshan. So we first analyzed the landscape structure and change of Aofengshan by aerial photos, and addressed the association with forest system degradation, then analyzed the fire characteristic and identified the location of fire sensitive area according to the frequency and extent of fire disturbance, and as the last, estimated succession process and stage and evaluated the restoration potential of forest by examining various vegetation type in Aofengshan. From the results, we knew, fire, the forest patches in Aofengshan usually located at drop where are not neighbor to farm road and tomb area directly, the grass matrix usually located at mild slope area with tombs, from 1977 to 2002 the forest have lost 211.5 ha, the total area of grass has grown triple from 71 ha to 222.9ha, and since 2002 the Formosa Free Way was been finished, the forest area has started to grown slowly for the afforestation at the slop side of the road and the natural restoration. Second, the major sources of fire were burning garbage, weed, and paper money uncarefully, that usually occurred from October to April of next year, especially March and April for tomb-sweeping, and there were six among of the twelve fire sensitive areas where the major fire source was burning garbage uncarefully. And third, the most complicate forest ecosystem regenerated naturally in Aofengshan were composed of pioneer plants such as Taiwan acacia, China tree, Chinese tallow-tree,etc. And the regions with good nature conditions would recover to forest again in about six years no matter through natural restoration or afforestation of Taiwan acacia. In conclusion, the root causes of forest degradation in Aofengshan is the uncompatible land use type that causing fire. In general the natural restoration potential is pretty well, but the richness and abundance of seed bank are unsatisfactory. So except fire control, the forest restoration plan in Aofengshan should focus on introducing more local species to regenerate the compose and structure of vegetable cover, and the most important is to regenerate a community recognition about the land use type that compatible with forest restoration of Aofengshan.


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