  • 學位論文


Born to Be "Useful"? A Critical Discourse Analysis on News Reporting of Talent in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃宗儀 洪貞玲


本研究探索當代臺灣報紙對人才議題的新聞報導,以「有用�無用」為主要概念,分析新聞論述反映與建構的意識形態。以2010年的臺大Show Girl與2012年的清大澳洲臺勞事件的四大報新聞為分析對象,借用Fairclough的批判論述分析(Critical Discourse Analysis)模型,進行三向度分析。     研究發現,臺大Show Girl事件的新聞論述呈現「臺大生有用論」、「拋頭露面無用論」與「Show Girl�藝人有用論」三大意識形態。前二者指出臺大生應學以致用、貢獻社會,而show girl不具此特質,並舉出國家投資與學以致用等觀點,突顯出「臺大生有用」的人才觀與父權意識形態。由從業女性提出的論述則高舉自身市場價值,並肯定外貌的重要性,展現新自由主義經濟人思維,具與社會論述協商的積極意義。然而,她們仍宣稱自己不負所學,且迴避show girl工作的情慾聯想,顯示臺大生有用的人才觀與父權意識形態的共同壓迫,讓市場價值與情慾論述的反抗力道出現侷限。   清大澳洲臺勞事件的新聞論述呈現「勞工無用論」、「國家無用論」與「打工度假有用論」三大意識形態。前二者將體力勞動與逐利的跨國遷移視為無用之舉,彰顯臺灣社會對人才無用與外流的焦慮。「打工度假有用論」藉淡化打工度假的體力勞動工作內容、排斥以賺錢為目的的參與者,與突顯其他效益,使打工度假躋身有用之列。由於臺灣對澳洲的地緣想像及其許諾的文化資本,新聞論述亦呈現新自由主義經濟人思維:讓可能獲利之事,都納入有用範疇,如此恐讓打工度假成為人才不可或缺的生命選擇,且無助提昇體力勞動與海外淘金的價值。反抗論述「化無用為有用」的翻轉企圖,反而拓展有用的意義,潛藏更多危機。   本研究二則案例的新聞論述皆呈現關於「有用」的不同意識形態互相協商的結果,卻都彰顯以人力資本論為邏輯的人才有用論述對人才的壓迫。新聞應開創多元論述空間,提供人才議題更複雜的思考。


This study aims to illustrate news discourse of “talents” and the ideology struggle about talents and their usefulness in Taiwan’s newspapers by anchoring two major news events: Show girls from National Taiwan University and National TsingHua University graduate working in Australia. Adopting Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis and by borrowing the concept of usefulness and uselessness, the study notes that, on the base of Human Capital Theory, a “useful” talent in Taiwan should develop what he has learned to make himself a profitable individual and has recognizable contribution to the country. This viewpoint has predominated in the development of talent cultivation since the end of WWII, leading to “marketization” and “industrialization” in higher education. With this background, this study examines how this viewpoint influences news discourse. The news discourse of Show Girls from NTU shows three major ideologies of usefulness/uselessness: Usefulness of NTU Students, Uselessness of Body Exhibition and Usefulness of Show Girls and Entertainers. The first and the second arguements point out students from NTU should put what they have been learned into practice due to considerable quantities of national investment and thus should not get a job of body exhibition, while the last one, consisting of the words of show girls from NTU, demonstrates the profitability of this job and the equal importance of their beauty, showing the concept of neo-liberalism homo oeconomicus. Nevertheless, they still claim their application of what they learned at NTU and avoid recognizing the eroticism relating to this job, which manifests the conspiracy of the ideologies of “NTU student’s usefulness” and patriarchy that diminish the resisting force of market value, expelling show girl from the domain of usefulness of talent. The news discourse of NTHU graduate working in Australia also shows three major ideologies of usefulness/uselessness: Uselessness of Labor, Uselessness of Country and Usefulness of Working Holiday. The first and the second arguements show the contempt toward physical labor and earning money abroad, while the last one, mostly consisting of Working holiday visa holders, claims the usefulness of working holiday by excluding people doing physical labor for making money, as well as celebrating the positive effects of working holiday that results from the cultural capital bestowed by Taiwan’s geo-political imagination of Australia. News discourse here also shows the concept of neo-liberalism homo oeconomicus. However, it just recognizes partial value of working holiday and brings about more crises. These two cases both show the conflicts and negotiation of ideologies of usefulness and uselessness. News discourse should open up broader space for various discussions, providing more complicated thinking toward talent issues in Taiwan.


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