  • 學位論文


The Referendum System and Party Competition: An Analysis of Taiwan’s Electoral Process in 2004 and 2008

指導教授 : 葛永光


公民投票存在的目的,是希望當政府面臨朝野對立或社會分歧嚴重的公共議題時,能直接探詢人民真意來化解政治僵局;而政黨及其選舉競爭的存在價值,則是為了因應現代公民因分工日益精細,所產生的政治知識與時間不足,而無法直接參與政治運作的情況。這兩者間看似具有理論層次的互補性,但就我國公投的發展經驗來看,卻呈現政黨凌駕,甚而主導人民意志的現象。 本文具體的問題意識,可簡要歸結於下列三點:1、在這三次選舉中,政黨為何操作公民投票議題,除為落實主權在民外,選舉利益是否為更重要的考量因素;2、當公民投票議題成為選戰焦點後,政黨運用哪些策略操作,以使其能具體轉化為政治動員的基礎;3、就選舉結果來看,公民投票的動員效果如何,且其是否取代其它傳統變項,而成為影響選民投票行為的主要因素,又其影響力有多大。 簡而言之,本文的主旨在了解台灣在2004年至2008年的三次「公投倂大選」,政黨如何在選舉競爭中操作公民投票議題,並檢驗公投是否真能成為政治動員,以獲得勝選的有效工具。而在經由理論與實證分析結果可以了解,公民投票雖有助於政黨凝聚基本支持群眾,但卻也因政治角力鑿痕過深,而屢屢引發選民對政黨操作下的公投議題,產生反感。因此,也連帶使得公民投票在規範性價值上,無法發揮實質意義,進而影響其於我國民主政治發展過程中的地位。另外,本文歸納出下列研究發現:1、「主權在民」成為政黨操作公投的主要誘因;2、政黨選舉利益考量充斥公投的立法、行政與審議程序;3、公投議題本身蘊含政黨意識型態的對立;4、公投僅能成為政黨動員基本教義派的有效策略;5、公投並非影響選舉的主要因素,且其影響力越趨降低。


The existence of referendum aims to understand people’s opinions when the government meets the conflicts among parties or public issues with serious argument in the society. As for parties and election competition, their value is for coping with the situation that modern citizens are not able to directly participate in the operation of politics due to their lack of time and political knowledge. These both play a vital role in theory structure; however, the development of Taiwan’s referendum indicates the phenomenon of political party leading people’s volition. The concrete questions of this research can be summarized to three points as follows. Firstly, the article is to analyze whether political party handles the issue of referendum for actualizing popular sovereignty and considers gaining profits from election as a more important factor among these three elections. Secondly, it discusses what kind of strategies the party operates to obtain more votes when the issue of referendum becomes the focus of the election. Finally, the author would like to propose the statement about the effect of implementing referendum and compares referendum with other traditional variables from the perspective of the election result. Simply stated, the research aims to understand how party operated the issue of referendum in the competitive election and examine whether referendum became an effective tool to win the election according to the three elections from 2004 to 2008. With the theoretical and practical analysis, it indicates that referendum benefits political party from gathering their supportive people though some people are against referendum operated by the party under the surroundings with political conflicts. As a result, it is difficult for referendum to develop its true value and estimated function under the situation, which influences the position of Taiwan’s democratic politics development process. In conclusion, the findings of this research are presented as five points: 1. political party regards popular sovereignty as the main inducement to conduct referendum; 2. the consideration of party’s election profit affects referendum’s legislative and administrative procedure; 3. referendum itself implies the conflicts among political party ideology; 4. referendum can attract more votes merely from those for the party; 5. referendum is not the main factor to affect the election, and its influence becomes less and less.




