  • 學位論文


Research of the Impact of Retailer’s App and In-store Display on the Shopper Behaviors

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


台灣的零售業佔國內GDP的1/5,其發達程度也位居世界前茅。過去的零售業者以「增加據點」和「低價促銷」的方式吸引消費者購買。因此消費者常以價格為指標,隨時轉換購買品牌,呈現低忠誠度。為了突破價格綁架的經營困境,美國雜物製造商協會(Grocery Manufacturing Association,簡寫GMA)和Deloitte公司於2007年提出購物者行銷(Shopper Marketing)的概念,緊密結合製造商與零售商,創造使購物者愉悅的購物旅程,促使增加購買。而經理人雜誌(2012)也指出購物者行銷為台灣零售業者於未來的發展趨勢。 因此,本研究以購物者行銷為精神,以莫拉比安-羅素模型為基礎,透過問卷設計驗證全聯福利中心的購物者在App和賣場環境的影響下對於購物者的動機、認知、態度與情緒之影響,從而產生購物行為與建立忠誠度且推薦給周圍的人。 研究結果指出,目前全聯福利中心的App對於購物者的購物動機、購物認知與購物態度皆為正向顯著影響,但對於購物情緒則為不顯著反應。現有的賣場環境對於情緒則有「喚起」與「支配」的效果。而購物者對於App和賣場環境兩者一致表現的感覺則認為普通。 在此結果下,顯示App對於購物者是有正向影響,然從蒐集問卷時的訪談與使用者意見彙整後,目前的App設計與環境之配合上有改進空間。因此本研究於最後針對App的設計、賣場環境的修改和兩者表現,提出管理意涵的建議。 關鍵字:購物者行銷、莫拉比安羅素模型、App、賣場環境、購物行為


Retails in Taiwan is a significant industy which contributed to 20% of GDP. In Taiwan, retailers tend to follow the policy of "opening new stores" or "low price" to attract consumers. In 2007, GMA and Deloitte introduced "Shopper Marketing", which aims at creating a pleasant shopping environment to attract more purchasing. This new-forming shopper marketing has become a new trend for the future development of retailers since then. Among many set-ups (or devices) introduced, Apps appear to be among the most appealing groups. Based on the concept of shopper marketing, this research applied Mehrabian-Russell Model to investigate the impacts of Apps and in-store display on shopper behavior in shopper marketing. Pxmart chain was chosen as the research field as it stands as the biggest supermarket in Taiwan. Two of its Apps were adopted in this study. These Apps provide updated produce information, useful household tips, authentic meal menu, and the coupon for online viewing and download. Survey research was adopted by sending out questionnaire to those who had shopped at Pxmart store. From the returned 116 samples (111 valid samples), the results show that Apps indeed have positive impact on shopper’s motivation, cognition and attitude. In addition; in-store display plays a role of arousal and dominance upon shoppers. The alignment of Apps and in-store display is crucial in enhancing the positive shopper’s motivation, cognition, and attitude. Although the results reveal the Apps could be a useful marketing tool for retailer, the current application of Apps however should be further improved for better usage. Keyword: Shopper marketing, Mehrabian-Russell Model, App, In-store displaying, shopper behavior


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