  • 學位論文


A Study of the Material Flow and Energy Flow of the Domestic Wastes as Generated in Taipei City , Taipei County and Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 於幼華


本研究係針對佔全台人口比例及垃圾產量近36 % 之臺北市、臺北縣及桃園縣其一般廢棄物處理之物質流做為研究範疇,藉由分析北部三大市縣一般廢棄物處理流程,描述其物質與能源流向,並結合循環型社會的理念,評估其是否符合循環型社會之減廢、再使用、再生利用、能源回收及適當處理等面向之發展趨勢。 研究結果顯示,在物質流分析部份,以桃園縣92.57 %垃圾經焚化處理轉為能源表現為最好;在能源流分析部份,三個市縣在一般廢棄物處理上主要產能為焚化處理產生之熱能回收,其中以臺北縣的熱能回收產能為最高,其次為桃園縣;在循環型社會建立上,以回收處理階段來評估,在物質循環度指標上臺北市表現為最佳;在廚餘回收推動工作上,三個市縣無論以堆肥或養豬方式處理,均直接獲得經濟利益,並大幅減少垃圾焚化處理作業費用,有效降低廚餘經焚化處理所可能產生之戴奧辛污染量。 整體而言,就循環型社會建立角度比較三個市縣在一般廢棄物處置策略上,以臺北市表現為較佳,主要為臺北市在一般廢棄物處理以廢棄物回收循環為主,符合循環型社會建立理念,因此值得臺北縣及桃園縣的環保單位參考。 本研究對於涉及廢棄物產生源之分類、貯存、收集、轉運或運輸等耗能過程並未納入估算,建議後續研究可針對此部份逐一分析,以整體、全面性獲得參考資訊;另在循環型社會建立指標上,對於廢棄物處理過程並無全面性考量,建議後續研究可建構具代表性之指標型系統使用。


The subjects of this study are the material flows of general waste treatment in Taipei City, Taipei County and Taoyuan County which account for around 36% of total population and garbage production of Taiwan. By analyzing the procedures of general waste treatment in the three major city/counties of northern Taiwan, material and energy flow directions in the whole treat procedure are described. In combination with the concept of recycling-based society, this study also assess if the three city/county meet the developing trend of a recycling-based society, in aspects of waste reduction, reusing, recycling, energy renewal and proper treatment. The study results suggest that in respect of material flow analysis, Taoyuan County showed the best performance that 92.57% of garbages were turned into energy by incineration treatment. In respect of the energy flow analysis, the study results suggest that all the main productivities of the general waste treatment in all these three city/counties were the recovery of heat produced by incineration treatments, wherein the heat recovery productivity of Taipei County was the highest, followed by Taoyuan County. In respect of the establishment of recycling based society, it was assessed by the stage of recycling treatment. According to the index of material recycling, Taipei City performed the best. In the promotion for kitchen waste recycling, all these three city/counties, no matter by making compost or feeding pigs, not only obtained economical benefits directly, but also decreased lots of processing costs on the incineration treatment and efficiently lower the dioxin pollution which may caused by the incineration treatment to kitchen wastes. As a whole, comparing the strategies of waste treatment, in the view of the establishment of a recycling-based society, of these three city/counties, it was Taipei City that performed better. The main reason is that the way of waste treatment in Taipei City was mainly recycling thus conformed to the concept of the establishment of a recycling-based society. In respect of the index of the establishment of a recycling-based society, moreover, procedures of waste treatment were not comprehensively considered in this study, continuing studies can construct representative index system for use.


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19.呂理德 ,2005,「建立循環型社會之研究」,國立臺灣大學環境工程學研究所博士論文。


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