  • 學位論文


Development of a monitoring system for critical care medicine base on diffuse optical spectroscope imaging technique

指導教授 : 蔡睿哲 孫家偉


加護病房中,急重症病患病情瞬息萬變,為了能及時診斷病人的病情,會監測病人的需多生理資訊,如心跳、血壓、呼吸、體溫、脈搏血氧飽和度…等,為了提供更多資訊給醫護人員,我們希望發展一套系統具有即時檢測、非侵入式、非輻射性、易攜帶、低成本等特性,提供加護病房一套合適的臨床監測儀器。 因此我們設計一套擴散光學光譜造影術系統,以黑色橡膠為基板,用連續波雷射當光源,再利用光檢測器接收訊號,傳回電作分析處理,來得到受測者血氧量的資訊。 文中對健康的受測者與一些加護病房中的心臟衰竭病患與敗血症病患做了一些生理量測實驗,主要是觀察靜脈束縛的血氧變化,可以看出病人與正常人的差異性。為了更瞭解擴散光學訊號對應的基礎生理意義,我們做了正常人的動脈束縛實驗,觀察血氧的變化,並以雷射光鉗技術測量紅血球的彈性,初步發現血氧與血球的相關性。


In intensive care unit (ICU) the condition of patients were instable. The patients were observed with much physiological information about heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, SpO2 to diagnosis the condition of patients in time. A system with fast, noninvasive, portable, low cost and without radiation was developed to be a bedside monitor system. Diffuse optical image system with continuous wave laser diode and photodiode on flexible black rubber was designed to obtain information of oxy-hemoglobin, deoxy-hemoglobin, total hemoglobin and tissue oxygen saturation. In this thesis, the difference of venous occlusion hemodynamics are observed in vivo measurements form normal subjects, patients with heart failure and sepsis in intensive care unit. On the other hand, for further understanding of basic physiological signification from diffuse photon measurements, the arterial occlusion hemodynamics are related to the elasticity of red blood cell in experiments.


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