  • 學位論文


Simulation Analysis of Dynamic Resources Allocation for Emergency Medical Service – A Case Study of New Taipei City

指導教授 : 黃奎隆
共同指導教授 : 余峻瑜(Jiun-yu Yu)


緊急救護服務 (Emergency Medical Service, EMS) 攸關民眾在緊急事故發生時的生命安全,負責前往事故現場的救護人員若能夠迅速抵達現場進行第一時間的初步處置並將傷病患後送至醫院,將有助於傷病患後續的治療及復原狀況。緊急事件發生後,現場人員報案完成直到救護人員抵達現場之間的時間間隔一般稱為反應時間 (response time)。 本研究的目的為提出一套定時定域動態巡航作業模式,透過新北市消防局所提供之緊急救護歷史資訊進行統計分析,找出具有高緊急救護服務需求量的時段與地區,並透過系統模擬與地理資訊系統的輔助,模擬救護車輛在所選定時段前往有高緊急救護需求的地區進行巡航路線的繞行或是定點的停駐,提高緊急事故發生的第一時間有救護車輛在鄰近區域巡航或待命的機率,如此一來可以降低救護車輛趕往事故現場的時間,也就是縮短反應時間。 同時,為了評估區域中各消防分隊派遣救護車進行巡航作業的可行性,本研究也將討論若某特定消防分隊派遣救護車進行巡航作業模式後,對該消防分隊鄰近區域造成的影響,藉此評估各地區最適合派遣巡航救護車的消防分隊。 本研究所之目的為在不大幅更動現有緊急救護資源下,以資源動態配置方式,探討定時定域動態巡航作業模式下的緊急救護服務系統運作效能。模擬結果顯示,部份消防分隊派遣救護車輛進行巡航作業後,不但不會造成鄰近區域的案件反應時間惡化,反而反應時間還有下降趨勢,且整體區域反應時間也能夠達到改善。


This study aims to propose a dynamic resources allocation for Emergency Medical Service System (EMSS) of New Taipei City. Response time is one of the important performance indicators in EMSS since rapid ambulance response provides patients better chances of recovering. Ambulances in New Taipei City used to park in separate fire stations and wait for the calls from emergency medical dispatchers. As an alternative, we propose a floating ambulance system which dispatches ambulance to patrol on the streets or stay at specific locations in the area with high emergency events demand. These areas are determined by statistical analysis of the historical emergency medical service data. The main idea of the floating ambulance system is to provide higher possibilities that an ambulance will standby at the near area when emergency events occur. In addition, this system also aims to allocate EMS resource dynamically without increasing much resources. The result of this study shows that floating ambulance system can improve the response time. Besides, those fire stations whom dispatch floating ambulances will not cause longer response time even the decrease of the available ambulances.


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翁立綸(2017)。改善人口分佈懸殊地區緊急救護服務反應時間之模擬分析 - 以新北市新店區為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201701174
