  • 學位論文

改善人口分佈懸殊地區緊急救護服務反應時間之模擬分析 - 以新北市新店區為例

Simulation Study on Improving Emergency Medical Service Response Time in Regions with High Population Disparity - An Example of Xindian District, New Taipei City

指導教授 : 余峻瑜


本研究探討如何以動態模擬資源配置改善緊急救護反應時間,以人口分佈懸殊的新北市新店區為研究目標,原因在於其地理及人口分佈之特殊性。並挑選緊急救護需求最高的時段設計各式巡迴及案件重心駐點方案,研究其是否能夠改善案件反應時間。 與過去研究不同的是,本研究不僅只個別針對市區或郊區設計派遣方案,更結合兩者之特殊性與需求差異,挑選出最好的方案進行多方案組合,試圖彌補郊區與市區派遣方案之優缺點。 但在真實世界中,增加資源往往會大幅提升成本,因此,提升資源使用效率是最根本的方法。本研究所設計的派遣方案,皆為不增加既有救護車資源數量下,透過將不同分隊救護車派遣至高案件量或高反應時間的區域後,期望能就近即時支援案件並降低整體平均反應時間。 本研究之模擬結果顯示,透過結合郊區及市區巡航或駐點模式,能有效改善新店的整體平均反應時間,也發現在人口及地理分佈懸殊的新店區,其救護資源調度的「敏感度」非常高,若將原先使用率接近飽和的資源調度到錯誤的地方,極有可能導致該地區緊急救護系統崩潰。相反的,將使用率較低的資源作適當配置,也極有可能大幅改善反應時間。 在模擬完反應時間後,亦考慮各派遣方案的可行性,觀察其他分隊平均反應時間是否有影響,並研究混合方案是否能產生顯著綜效。為了進一步挑選最佳派遣策略,本研究更使用反應時間量尺分數PR 90達標率作為評估指標,發現許多派遣方案雖然能顯著改善整體平均反應時間,但並非大部分案件皆有改善。


Response time, which impacts directly on patients’ survival rate and recovery condition in the future, is one of the most important issues in Emergency Medical Service Service (EMS). In this study, we found that most of the cases with extremely long response time in New Taipei City happened in Xindian district. Therefore, this study aims to improve the response time of EMS system of Xindian District, which has great internal population distribution and geographical difference, in New Taipei City by proposing several dynamic resource allocation models. The main idea of the floating ambulance models is to minimize the distance between EMS cases and ambulances without adding new resource. In the real world, purchasing new ambulances will bring great cost to the government. Therefore, improve the efficiency of resource usage is the best way to improve EMS quality. Currently, all of the ambulances in Xindian District are parked in each fire station and waiting for dispatch instructions from central dispatch station. This study, propose several floating ambulance models which dispatch ambulance to either stay in specific location or patrol on the streets in urban and suburban area with high emergency cases or response time. We also analyze the synergy after combining different models into hybrid models. After conducting simulation on the models, we also analyze on the feasibility of each models by taking the influence on other ambulances and Percentile Rank 90% compliance rate into account. The result of this study shows that Xindian District has extremely high sensitivity in resource allcation. If we relocate the right ambulance resource to high demand regions, there will be a high chance of improving response time significantly, vice versa.


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