  • 學位論文


Seismic Performances of Actual High-Rise Buildings with Dual-Core SCBs and Sandwiched BRBs in Taiwan:Nonlinear Time History Analyses and Brace Tests

指導教授 : 周中哲


為瞭解雙核心自復位斜撐(Dual-Core Self-Centering Brace, DC-SCB)與夾型挫屈束制斜撐(Sandwiched Buckling-Restrained Brace, SBRB)於高層建築物之行為以及提供的耐震效益,本研究選取臺灣兩棟實際高層建築作為分析依據,針對兩棟高層建築物進行DC-SCB以及SBRB之配置,並建立電腦分析模型以進行耐震分析。其中為防止DC-SCB之鉸線在地震作用期間降伏造成初始預力的減少,本研究於DC-SCB端部配置一外部摩擦滑動裝置(External Friction Device, EFD),設計使其在DC-SCB之鉸線達降伏應變前滑動,限制鉸線的最大應變,進而達到避免DC-SCB預力在地震作用期間損失的保險作用。 本研究針對分析之新竹高層廠房做長期微振動監測,進行結構物系統識別與地震歷時分析,以瞭解高層建築之實際受震反應,並校正PISA3D模型參數。透過兩組實尺寸斜撐耐震試驗,觀察雙核心自復位斜撐外接摩擦滑動裝置(DC-SCB+EFD)與夾型挫屈束制斜撐(SBRB)之實際作用行為與耐震能力,並利用試驗結果校正斜撐模型參數;試驗結果顯示兩組斜撐試體之力學行為均符合本研究及過去相關研究之預測。利用上述系統識別以及斜撐試驗所得之結構模型參數,建立兩組SMRF、SMRF+SBRBF以及SMRF+DC-SCBF之模型以進行DBE與MCE層級之非線性地震歷時分析,整理三種結構耐震系統於地震下之行為,分析結果顯示在構架中配置DC-SCB可有效降低構架於地震下的最大與殘餘側位移,且效益隨著配置比例之提高而越加顯著;在構架中配置SBRB雖能降低構架於地震下的最大側位移,卻可能導致殘餘側位移變大。


To evaluate the seismic performances and effects that dual-core self-centering braces (DC-SCBs) and sandwiched buckling-restrained braces (SBRBs) would make in high-rise buildings, two actual high-rise buildings in Taiwan were selected and modeled with installing of DC-SCBs and SBRBs. In order to avoid the pretension force of tendons in DC-SCB losing during earthquake excitation, an external friction device (EFD) was designed as a fuse in series with the main brace, slipping before the axial strain of tendon exceeded its yield strain. To estimate seismic parameters of actual high-rise buildings and to validate the dynamic response of analytical model under earthquake excitation, long-term vibration monitoring of a selected Hsinchu high-rise factory building was conducted. A full-scale DC-SCB+EFD and a full-scale SBRB were tested to validate their seismic cyclic performances. Nonlinear time history analyses were conducted on two sets of SMRFs, SMRF+SBRBFs and SMRF+DC-SCBFs to evaluate their seismic demands under both design and maximum considered level of earthquake motions. Analysis results showed that DC-SCB provided well seismic effect in reduction of both maximum and residual drift of frames. SBRB provided well seismic effect in reduction of maximum drift of frames, while might make the residual drift larger.


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