  • 學位論文


Healing Partner System for the Elderly Healthcare at Home

指導教授 : 賴金鑫 陸哲駒 郭德盛




In today’s aging society, the number of the elderly living alone has been growing gradually. This research has explored this phenomenon, proposing a care and accompaniment appliance that could offer spiritual consolation and medication notification. This appliance could also monitor and record physical parameters, give basic life care, and make distance monitoring. Since the appliance is developed based on the concept of humanization and applicability in daily life, it is not only easy to operate, but also could be readily integrated into users’ living environments. With this care appliance employed, it could often remind the elderly to keep an eye on their own health condition. By interacting with healing partners, the elderly would also become less lonely and more optimistic. In addition, there is a risk classification and rating system as well as notification mechanism built in the system, which will rate and classify the risk in accordance with the abnormality of physical parameters and whether the medication is proper and on schedule. Different risk rates will determine whether it should immediately notify the medics and families of the elderly to pay visits or carry out rescue operation via the network-based monitor console. Emergency notification and distance monitoring is used to allow the family physician and children busy at work to know the user’s recent health condition and medication by accessing the database and reading their physical condition and medication record anywhere anytime. Moreover, it could immediately notify the families and medics for medical aids if it is emergent. Therefore, this system is expected to detect the risk, prevent the potential risk in home health care of the elderly living alone, and take precautionary and immediate emergency measures earlier. This could not only ensure that the elderly living alone is safe and healthy, but also save a lot of healthcare human resources, cost, and time.


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