  • 學位論文

當代國語流行歌曲創作及相關問題之研究 — 90年代迄今之考察

The Research on Contemporary Chinese Pop Music Creation and Related Issue — since 1990 to 2011

指導教授 : 洪淑苓


本論文討論1990∼2011年間,台灣創作型歌手及樂團的流行歌曲創作,兼採文學研究及文化研究的方法,以「流行歌曲」為一種特殊型態的「文體」,並以創作型歌手和樂團為該文體的「作者」。文學研究部份討論當代流行歌曲作品的源流、主題、內涵、文體特徵、及創作型歌手的創作意識。文化研究部份探討創作型歌手、閱聽人、音樂節、live house、以及獨立音樂和文藝青年文化之間的交互作用,以立體的呈現流行歌曲在當代扮演的文化力量。 本論文共分六章,第一章說明研究動機、研究範圍及方法,並作文獻回顧。第二章說明當代流行歌曲的源流,分別從詞、曲兩方面觀察流行歌曲與其他文體的互動,互動的對象包括中國古典詩歌、現代詩、西方古典樂、中國傳統劇曲音樂、台灣傳統劇曲音樂及地方音樂,並討論這些互動產生的意義,第三章討論當代流行歌曲的主題與內涵,以說明當代流行歌曲在創作型歌手的作品中,呈現出主題多元的特色。第四章討論當代流行音樂的創作意識及文體特徵,藉由「概念專輯」及「個性書寫」兩個主題探討,最後並總結在流行歌曲的文體特徵及美學意圖的闡發。第五章討論流行歌曲相關文化議題,藉由音樂節、live house等流行歌曲流布的場域說明創作者、閱聽人、流行歌曲的種種互動關係,以立體呈現流行歌曲這個文體的樣貌,最後並討論流行歌曲與當代青年文化間的種種關係。第六章則為結論。 本研究旨在對當代創作型歌手的作品定位,並認為這些作品具備足夠的文學性,不論就作品文學意義或是文化意義而言,都應繫屬於當代詩歌的一環。


This thesis discusses the pop music creation made by Taiwanese creative singers and bands from 1990 to 2011, via the method of literary studies and cultural studies. The thesis regards “the pop music” as a special type of “stylistic” and regards the creative singers and bands as the “authors” of such stylistic. In the literary studies parts, it discusses the origin, theme, content, stylistic feature of contemporary pop music, and the singer’s creative consciousness. As to the cultural studies part, it research on the interactions between the singers, audience, music festival, live house, independent music and young artists culture, with the intent of thoroughly presenting the cultural influence of pop music on this generation. This thesis includes six chapters. Chapter 1 illustrates the research motive, range, methodology, and references. Chapter 2 explains the origins of contemporary pop music, observing the interactions between pop music and other stylistics including Chinese classic poetry, modern poetry, western classic music, Chinese traditional opera, Taiwanese traditional opera, and folk music from the aspects of lyric and melody. This chapter also discusses the meaning of such interactions. Chapter 3 discusses the theme and the content of contemporary pop music in order to explain the diverse feature of contemporary pop music in creative singer’s works. Chapter 4 elaborates the creative consciousness and the stylistic features of contemporary pop music through the two themes of “conceptual album” and “personalized writing”, concluding at the points of stylistic feature and the expression of aesthetic intent. Chapter 5 discusses the related cultural issues to the pop music, via stating the spread from the music festivals to live houses, to explain the interactions between the creators, audience, and songs and to present the stylistic feature of pop music, This chapter also discusses several relationships between pop music and contemporary youth culture in the end.Chapter 6 is the conclusion. The purpose of this thesis is to locate the works of contemporary creative singer’s and to stress their literary characteristics. No matter from the view of the meaning of contemporary pop music itself or the meaning of culture, these pop songs shall all be regarded as part of contempory poetry.


王思文、張弘遠,〈地方新興節慶活動對於地方觀光發展效益研討—以參觀遊客滿意度進行分析〉,《致理技術學院島嶼觀光研究 》第3卷第3期,2010年9月。


