  • 學位論文


Test of Piezoelectrically Actuated Hemispherical Resonator Gyro

指導教授 : 周傳心




This paper is experiment of piezoelectricity actuated hemispherical resonator gyro. The material of piezoelectricity make positive piezoelectric effect and inverse piezoelectric effect. The sensing signal and actuation signal are all from the piezoelectricity. In order to controlling the hemispherical gyro vibrates in the first mode, import the feedback signals into control circuit. When the hemispherical gyro turns, coriolis force makes the vibration mode drift. By using the control circuit capture the node’s voltage change signal, the voltage of twirl with relationship to the node’s signal will be established. Then we analysis the error on the mechanical twirl, write down the delay effect of the rotary encoder. After consider error factor, we complete the the angle velocity of twirl with relationship to the node’s signal. The hemispherical resonator gyro can upgrade angle velocity measure reliably.


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