  • 學位論文


The Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Taiwan : With Review of Extraordinary Legal Institutions and Case Study of the Kaohsiung Incident

指導教授 : 邱榮舉


法治國原則為近代歐陸國家憲法層次的最重要原則。近半世紀來,也透過我國法學界學者與實務人士的推廣與呼籲,成為我國公法學上被持續熱烈研究討論的重要理論依據。 本文擬自法治國的觀點,確認法治國的諸項重要原則為憲政建構之基礎。在此前提下,對於戰後臺灣「轉型正義」的論述與實際作為,從公法學上法治國原則的學理高度與立場,予以探討過去威權體制下各種「非常法制」於白色恐怖期間對我國在推行法治方面產生哪些影響與衝擊?而後,另從比較法制的觀點,檢視過去世界各國值得借鏡的轉型正義經驗,並從這些實踐中,透過邏輯論證與辯證,探討法治國原則與轉型正義間,是否具有理論上的衝突等問題?其間的相互關係與學理基礎為何等學理論述。 本文最後對於轉型正義的實踐,進一步以臺灣戰後政治發展中可說是最重要的美麗島案件為例,以筆者親身的工作經歷,予以評析論述,指出在其平反過程中,經過了什麼樣的程序?達到了什麼樣的成果?有哪些地方仍值得探討?作為本論文之具體個案總評。在未來還有哪些地方可以繼續努力?從威權體制轉型至民主政治後,未來臺灣在法治國原則下的「轉型正義」究竟應何去何從?


The “Rule of Law” (das Rechtsstaatsprinzip) is the most essential principle at the constitutional level in modern European countries. This principle has been extensively promoted and advocated through scholars and practitioners in the past few decades. It has been continuously discussed and has become a significant theory of public law in Taiwan. The purpose of this thesis is to highlight several crucial principles from the concept of “Rule of Law”, which are the essential building blocks for forming the constitution. Subsequently, this article intends to review several critical issues encountered and their impact to the political - legal environment and the society under the “Extraordinary Legel Institutions” during the martial law period, also called the “White Terror” period, in Taiwan. Following such research and analysis, this article explores the experiences and achievements of other countries like Austria, Germany, Korea and South Africa undergone “Transitional Justice” as references. In addition, it also scrutinizes the theoretical correlation, potential conflicts and issues involved between “Transitional Justice” and the principles of “Rule of Law”. Consequently, this thesis takes Kaohsiung Incident as an example to demonstrate the implementation of “Transitional Justice” that leading to influencing the political development post World War II in Taiwan. It shall try to indicate in referencing to author’s own work experiences as the legal director with Compensation Foundation for Improper Verdicts to provide point of view on the implementation of “Transitional Justice”, especially during the rehabilitation process, to highlight the processes that had gone through, the achievements that had accomplished and where certain areas that still have rooms to improve etc. Finally, in a nutshell, this thesis hopes to discuss the future development of Taiwan going forward based on the principles of “Rule of Law” through “Transitional Justice” post transforming from authoritarian political system to democratic political system.


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