  • 學位論文

品牌權益衡量與顧客購賣行為之研究 - 以卸妝產品為例

The measurement of brand equity and study of consumer behavior — The case of makeup remover

指導教授 : 任立中


隨著消費者意識抬頭,各家廠商為了取得消費者青睞,紛紛建立起自己的品牌,因此當消費者臨琳瑯滿目的產品時,可以透過品牌來選擇讓自己放心且安心之商品。而近年來隨著國民所得與生活水準提高,早期被視為奢侈品且需要專業技術才會購買使用的化妝品,日漸轉變為消費者的生活必需品。再加上網路及多媒體平台的普遍,許多部落客與化妝品廠商在網路上分享了許多化妝的教學影片,讓許多消費者開始學會化妝,並精進化妝技巧,也使得台灣化妝品的消費年齡層下降,因此消費者在化妝品的消費型態上也正在快速的改變中。因此本研究希望能夠衡量化妝品產業中之卸妝產品品牌權益,以提供企業制定行銷策略。   本研究透過前測問卷求出在消費者心中前五名的品牌,以及消費者重視的屬性水準,再透過正式問卷蒐集消費者樣本資料。正式問卷主要內容為:衡量顧客忠誠度、以消費動機達成市場區隔、品牌形象認知與卸妝產品之比較評分。其中第二部分以消費動機取代傳統的人口統計變數作為區隔基礎,透過集群分析將消費者分成三群:獨立無感群、清爽分享群與嘗試挑選群。   第四部份,卸妝產品之比較評分是按照聯合分析法之整體輪廓法,讓消費者針對產品組合給予比較評分,本研究亦將品牌納入當作屬性,了解品牌名稱之主要效果,此外也了解消費者在各屬性水準之間之「權衡」效果。本研究有鑑於消費者之異質性,因此採用層級貝氏統計方法來求得每個個別消費者之偏好結構,再透過市場區隔分類變數作為第二層之變數。   本研究最後將以分析出來之結果,取蜜妮作為分析品牌,進行行銷策略上之建議,除了找出目標市場,針對目標市場進行行銷活動,以及制定定價策略以賺取最大的消費者剩餘,發揮品牌權益的價值。


With the rising awareness of consumers, many companies establish their own brand in order to obtain their consumers, so when consumers face an array of products that can be selected based on the brand which is most familiar to themselves.   Recently, with the living standards improve, cosmetics, which was treated as a luxury product was becoming a consumer necessities. There are also many blogger sharing their make-up videos on social media. Therefore, consumers in cosmetics consumption patterns are changing and growing rapidly. This study is to measure brand equity for cosmetic industry and provide the marketing strategies to the companies.   This study choose top five brands which is most familiar to consumers and the attributes by pretest. Collecting data by using formal questionnaire, which contained: customer loyalty, consumer motivation , brand awareness and product comparison score. For consumer motivation which is to replace the traditional consumer demographics as a segment basis, using cluster analysis to divide the consumer into three groups.   For product comparison score which is based on a Conjoint Analysis. After having consumer score the product, this study use hierarchical Bayesian statistical analysis to estimate the brand equity.   The results of this study will provide to the company, and help to make marketing strategy and also pricing strategy to maximize consumer surplus.


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