  • 學位論文


A Location Problem of Two-Level Disaster Relief Facilities for Vulnerable Networks

指導教授 : 許聿廷


近年來災難發生的次數頻繁,為了能夠降低受影響人口數量,相關緊急災難應變管理之議題逐漸受到重視。在整個救災管理體系中,適當的災難應變設施能夠有系統地集結物資來源並分送予有需要的地區,而對於某些道路連接度較低且易受到影響之地區,在災害發生時,其與外界之通行有較高的機率被阻斷。考量這些區域的民眾因受困而孤立無援且可能會衍生更嚴重的災情,緊急災難應變必須具備更全面的規劃和相當的彈性。 本研究提出一個雙層的救援物資設施站之選址架構,同時考慮兩層級的救援物資設施站:災難應變中心 (Disaster Response Center, DRC) 及自我維持供給站 (Self-Sustainable Relief Station, SSRS) 之設置位址及其相關的物資分派問題,分別提出兩種層級救援設施站設置模組,並以其之間之關聯性與路網連結關係,發展出一套路徑可靠度之計算方式,並引入雙層規劃模式決定兩層級救援設施站之最佳配置。 此研究採用臺灣南投縣的路網做為案例分析,縣內眾多的山區使得此路網於颱風或大量降雨時更容易因伴隨土石流等災害的發生而遭到破壞。透過案例分析證實本研究所提出兩層級設施站之應用可行性及必要性。另外,相關的敏感度分析用以評估在不同情境下的設施和物資的配置情形,藉以提供相關決策單位採取適當的措施。本研究提出的雙層救援物資站之最佳化選址架構,希冀能夠提供一個可行且有效率的策略於救災應變系統中,並期以較低的成本保障更多民眾的生存需求。


There has been increasing focus on disaster management and logistics due to the frequent occurrence of disasters, seeking to respond to disaster impact in a more effective manner in terms of delivering relief and rescue. Emergency response can be challenging for some vulnerable networks with low road density and subject to a high probability of being disconnected by disaster impact. Once some roads of such networks are damaged, it is likely that some locations or sub-areas will become isolated from outer supplies. This research formulates a location problem of disaster response facilities at two levels: disaster response centers and secondary facilities, self-sustainable relief stations. The former collects relief materials and re-distribute them to the affected areas; the latter ensures the self-sustainability of residents, even though they are isolated. The locations of the two facilities are interdependent based on the network structure and connectivity. Thereby, a bi-level programming approach is developed to integrate determination of the locations at each level and address the associated complexity due to the interdependency. In addition, a heuristic algorithm to calculate connectivity reliabilities is developed with the correlation between the roads. Numerical experiments are made using the network of Nantou County in Taiwan, a mountainous county which is vulnerable to frequent landslides caused by earthquakes, hurricanes and heavy rainfalls. Experiment results show that the deployment of two-level disaster response facilities enables more efficient allocation of limited resources and reduce the expected number of unsupplied people during emergency response, which highlights the practicability of the proposed approach.


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