  • 期刊


The Extension of Post Acceptance Model: An Empirical Study of Highway Disaster Information System


近年來,政府大力推行業務資訊化作業系統,期望各項業務達到電子化。因應此項需求趨勢,在推動各層級防救災業務之時,亦同時規劃建置防救災資訊系統。希望能藉由資訊科技的協助,整合組織內部的資訊與有限度的資源,取得時效性上的突破進而達成組織目標。過去有關資訊系統導入成功與否的文獻,多數以使用者滿意度以及意願為依憑,近年來又以「期望確認理論」(expectation confirmation theory, ECT)為大宗。為了讓此類與工作緊密關聯的資訊系統能增加使用者滿意度與持續使用意願,本研究以Bhattacherjee所提出的ECT理論延伸的「後續使用模型」(post-acceptance model, PAM)為基礎,探討公路總局的系統使用者對於防救災資訊系統所提供的資訊品質、系統品質和服務品質與認知有用性、確認程度、滿意度和持續使用意圖之間的關係。本研究以公路總局防救災資訊系統的使用者為樣本,採用問卷發放的方式蒐集樣本資料,並以偏最小平方法(partial least squares, PLS)分析本研究所提出之擴充性後續使用模型。根據本研究探討各構面之間的影響及驗證研究模式之適合度後,提出建議給系統維護者作為防救災資訊系統在開發與設計時之方針。


To promote all levels of disaster relief operations, each government planned to build the disaster information system. Most previous research related to information systems into most users' satisfaction and willingness as a basis on expectation confirmation theory (ECT). In this study, we extended the post acceptance model (PAM) which was extended from ECT, with information quality, system quality and service quality. According the user experiences of the Highway Administration of Disaster, we collected the feedback by questionnaires. This study adopted partial least squares to analyze the proposed research model, to explore the impact between the various dimensions. Finally, we proposed the managerial implication and discussion for the design guidelines of disaster information system.


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