  • 學位論文

行政院組織變革之研究— 以行政院院本部組織改造為例

Study of Organization Reform of the ROC Central Government: The Case of the Executive Yuan Headquarters

指導教授 : 陳顯武
共同指導教授 : 鍾國允(Kuo-Yun Chung)


在面對21世紀多變的時代潮流下,因應全球化時代複雜多元的新挑戰,各國政府紛紛進行行政組織變革,期望能以更輕盈的架構、更多元的創新來做出因應之道。行政院組織改造自民國76年推動以來,至99年2月3日修正公布組織改造法案為止,已歷時近23年。然而,自99年迄今,距離其達成29個部會改造之最終目標,仍有5個部會尚未完成,對於我國國家競爭力與行政效能,已有莫大影響。在另一方面,行政院院本部及11個中央二級機關自101年1月1日起陸續施行,然而各機關或有因循舊有思維工作,組織文化未能革新,是否能達到打造精簡、彈性、效能的行政組織目標值得三思。 學者分析組織改造理論,或有普遍理論、權變理論、政策執行理論、學習型理論及國家競爭力理論等不同途徑,惟以組織改造經驗而言,必須置於同一脈絡思考,組織須以降低成本與提高效率的方式,才能達成組織的目標;組織所處的環境很複雜,各項重要的決定性的變數必須密切配合才能得到預期的產出;組織能以過去的經驗作為整體學習的基礎,並進一步整合既有的學習成果,以因應組織所面臨各種挑戰,進而提升組織解決問題的能力。 經檢視過去推動行政院組織改造的努力,大多著眼於組織精簡與效率、相關法制配套之齊備,然而組織改造莫不是歷經「輸入」-「轉換」-「輸出」-「回饋」的過程,透過循環不斷的檢討,以達到良善變革目的。亦即,應先探究影響組織改造啟動之脈絡因素(輸入階段),再探討影響組織改造成敗之關鍵因素(轉換階段),匯聚有利組織改造的契機與力量,以期完成較適當的政府組織改造型態(輸出階段)。最後,持續針對組織改造結果進行檢討改進,以獲得回饋,作為下一波組織改造之參考(回饋階段)。因此,本研究以學者林布隆(Charles E. Lindblom)的漸進決策途徑做為研究基礎,進一步試著以哲學的思維導入學習型組織、創造進化論等理論,以期為政府組織改造找出新的發展方向。


To meet the challenges of globalization in the 21st century, governments around the world have been promoting organizational reform as an effort to streamline the executive structure while fostering innovation at the same time. In Taiwan, the Executive Yuan has begun its restructuring programs and amended relevant acts since 1987. Nevertheless, from 2000 till now, there are still 5 of 29 agencies that have not yet been completed. It has had a negative impacts on Taiwan’s national competitiveness and effectiveness of administration. Furthermore, both the Executive Yuan and 11 Cabinet-level agencies have been re-organized since January 1, 2012,. It remains to be seen whether such re-adjustments can create a more streamlined, flexible, and efficient government. Various theories are available to analyze organizational reform, such as universality theory, contingency theory, policy implementation theory, learning theory, and national competitiveness theory. However, both cost reduction and efficiency improvement should be considered at the same time according to the past experiences. In this sense, each organization should learn from experience to cope with challenges of restructuring. The Executive Yuan has focused its organizational reform on downsizing, efficiency, and comprehensive legislation. Nevertheless, a desirable result can be attainted only through a recurring cycle of ‘input’, ‘conversion,’ ‘output,’ and then ‘feedback.’ First, the contextual factors that influence the initiation of organizational reform should be discussed firstly (“input” phase). Second, the key factors affecting the success or failure of organizational reform should be found out (“conversion” phase). Thirdly, an appropriate type of organizational reform will generate by gathering the favorable opportunities and strengths for organizational reform (“output” phase). Finally, when the organizational reform is completed, it still needs continuous reviews and improvements to obtain feedback, so that it can be taken as a reference for the next wave of organizational reform (“feedback” phase). On the basis of the ‘incremental approach’ developed by Charles E. Lindblom, we would like to explore a new way for organizational reform by integrating the philosophies of the ‘learning organization’ and ‘creative evolution.’


丘昌泰(2011)。〈當代政策管理與新公共服務〉。《T & D 飛訊季刊》,(17):24-33。
