  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Organizational Change-An Case Study of the Management Systems of Industrial Parks

指導教授 : 陳海鳴


工業區的開發為產業提供研發、生產、製造、物流等營運活動基地,為國內經濟發展奠定關鍵成功的基礎。近年來隨著產業結構的轉型,營運國際化,傳統產業廠商外移,國內投資趨緩。工業區管理機構過去扮演政府與廠商之間的橋樑,由於環境變化與產業發展的變遷,管理角色轉化為服務功能,以廠商客戶為導向。分佈全省各縣份60個工業區設置51個服務中心及39個污水處理廠,歷經30年歲月,就如同企業體的生命週期,走過顛峰陷入衰退,財務缺口惡化,亟待組織變革與改造工程來突破瓶頸,重新組織設計來更新轉型再出發。 環境變更因素,會驅動組織產生重大變革,同時創新與持續改善是組織變革的策略性角色。本研究首先探討世界先進國家的行政法人制度,整理比較各體制改革相互間之異同,以工業區管理機構為研究對象,參酌我國行政法人制度模式,探究組織變革的背景動因,改造工程的目標,未來的組織架構,改善財務結構及運作的參考模式。另以深入訪談法,請教產、官、學界各方意見,綜合學理與實務的觀點歸納推導出工業區管理機構行政法人化,日後發展永續經營的方向。並且以量化資料推估行政法人化後調整財務結構,提升原有業務績效、創新服務業務增加收益、爭取政府相關經費補助等來增加收入平衡收支,進而創造盈餘,改善多年惡性循環的財務缺口,奠定自主經營的良好基礎。


The development of industrial parks can provide to various industries the bases for such operational activities as research and development, production, manufacturing and logistics. Meanwhile, transformation of industrial structures in recent years has led to the internationalization of business operations, international transfer of traditional industries and a slowdown in domestic investment. As a previous linking bridge between the government and manufacturers, the industrial parks management systems have shifted from playing the role of administrators to providing services, as a result of both the circumstantial changes and the variances in industrial development, and have now become customer-oriented. Being operated over a period of 30 years, the 51 service centers and 39 sewage treatment plants distributed across the 60 industrial parks in various counties of the whole province have all been mired in a recession, exhibiting the deterioration of their financial gaps, just as if any enterprise has climbed over the peak in its life cycle. Thus, organizational changes and reengineering are urgently needed for such institutions to break through their bottlenecks, thereby reorganizing and redesigning their renovation and transformation, and then starting off again. Environmental changes also motivate organizations to create significant change, while innovation and continued improvement will appear to be the strategic roles of such organizational change. This study initially discusses the prevailing systems of administrative corporation in various advanced countries on the world, and proceed to compile and compare both the similarities and differences between these various systems, taking the industrial parks management systems as the study objects, with close reference to the pattern of administrative corporation system available in our nation, in order to delve into the background for organizational change, goals of organizational reengineering, organizational structures in future, and reference models by which to improve financial structures and operations. Additionally, an in-depth interview has been employed to seek advices from the industrial, official and academic communities, while relevant theories and practical viewpoints has been combined and integrated to induce and deduct an direction in which the industrial parks management systems can be transformed into administrative corporations and can embrace their sustainable development in future. Moreover, quantitative data has been used to estimate the adjustment of financial structures, promotion of the original business performances, increased revenues of the innovation of services, relevant expenses and subsidies acquired from the government to increase revenues and balance incomes and expenses after the management systems are converted into the administrative corporations, so as to further create financial surplus, improve the financial gaps in a vicious circle over many years and provide a sound basis for self-operation.


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