  • 學位論文


Digital Transformation Strategy for CVS:Case Study of FamilyMart

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


2020年全球各行各業受到新冠肺炎爆發影響,原先已有轉型意識的企業,從小步快跑到開始加速衝刺轉型,全球線下零售業首當其衝,來客數下滑進而影響經營業績,部分產業持續到2022年上半年仍未見績效好轉,觀察全球零售產業與日本零售產業近況,均不約而同加速數位轉型,從產品改革、賣場改造、組織變革等,目的均為期望能快速適應外界變化,並且重新思考以顧客體驗,消費者需求為中心. 本研究透過觀察日本伊藤忠商事集團、三大便利商店如何實施數位轉型,數據應用,整合集團資源、掌握零售數據,發揮集團數據優勢,數據創價功能,並藉台灣全家便利商店數位轉型執行一年之經驗,提供台灣零售產業或相關聯業態,強化各自業態數據的應用策略佈局。 本研究期望透過台灣的便利商店面對新零售虛實融合的挑戰、發展數位轉型的策略分析,組織轉型關鍵問題,以C-SOP模型說明,作為零售通路或其他產業與本研究有雷同的情況,可以作為方針調整與轉型參考,以期協助不同產業數位轉型組織活動規劃,促進全員思維轉型,突破通路思維轉為顧客思維導向,以本研究經驗提供數位轉型之參考啟發。


In 2020, all walks of life around the world are affected by the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19). Enterprises that under the transformation start to accelerate their pace. The global offline retail industry is the first to bear the burnt, with decline in the number of visitors that affects the business performance, some industries continue to suffer in 2022. By observing the current industry trend of both global and Japanese retail market, both markets are accelerating their pace of digital transformation. From product reconstruction, store renovation to organization reformation, they aim to adapt to external change instantly, and to center the customer experience and consumer demand as their priority. This study observes how Japan's ITOCHU Corporation and the three major convenience stores implement digital transformations and data applications, integrate resources of conglomerate, master retail data, and leverage data advantages and values of conglomerate; combine with the experience of Taiwan FamilyMart’s digital transformation, the study aim to provide the Taiwan retail industry and related industries a strategy layout that strengthen one’s data application ability. Through analyzing convenience stores in Taiwan when dealing with the challenges of merging online and offline in the New Retail Era and developing digital transformation strategies, the study expects to illustrate the key factors of organizational transformation by using the C-SOP model. For companies in retail industry as well as other industries that facing the similar situation, the study can be used as a reference for policy adjustment and transformation, as the study is expected to assist different industry for planning cultural activities of digital transformation to encourage all employees to transform mindset that from centering on channel advantages to customer demand.


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