  • 學位論文


Performance Management Applied on the Environmental Group: a Preliminary Case Study of the Taiwan Environmental Information Association

指導教授 : 盧道杰
共同指導教授 : 馮燕(Yen Feng)




The goal of this research is to investigate the application of performance management on environmental organizations. It is based on the materials researchers collected by participation observation and interviews in the Taiwan Environmental Information Association from July, 2004 to June, 2006, and relevant literatures and documents for the history, organization and operation of it. It shows that the operation of this association more like a workshop or a small company, which is managed by its secretary general. The main activity of this association is to publish a web-based daily environment newspaper, and to be engaged in relevant activities in order to distribute and share environmental information. Projects sponsored by the government and other sectors consist of the major part of the finance of the association in addition to the weak contribution by the membership fee and donation. Thus, in order to promote organizational management effectiveness, this research adopts the Balanced Scorecard approach and works with its secretariat to see what can be done for its organizational strategy. A pioneer study was initiated in the editorial section of this association. The result shows that this study has helped re-examine the accounting system and improved the accountability and established the project management system which can contribute to make better analysis for policy-making. While the editors pay more attention to the process management and planning, developing work sheets lightens the performance of works, it has formed a base for evaluation and encouraged the editors to devote to their works. This study has also built up a system for project management and benefit analysis of this association. Finally, this study suggests that it will need more time to observe and evaluate how to apply performance management on this association which has more loose work environment and flexible system without extra work burden.


