  • 學位論文


A Study on Faculty’s Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviors in Kainan University

指導教授 : 陳雪華


大學教師的專業發展是學科專業知識及教學上的發展。一旦教師有此需求後,則需要取得相關資訊來滿足及提升自身的專業需求。而此更攸關教師教學品質之良窳及學校的競爭力,因此我們需要瞭解教師的資訊需求及尋求行為,才能協助教師取得有效的資源。 本研究採取質化方式,深度訪談24位開南大學專任教師,本文之研究目的在於探討開南大學教師對於圖書館館藏資源的資訊需求及資訊尋求行為;最後分析研究結果並提出建議,增進圖書館服務品質,以作為開南大學圖書館改進服務品質之參考。茲將研究結果歸納如次: 一、教師使用圖書館之原因為借閱圖書及休閒娛樂。 二、教師不使用圖書館之原因館藏不符所需、兼任行政職務、視聽資 料借閱欠缺便利性、線上查詢方便、缺乏研究工作、遺失教職員證。 三、資訊需求動機:從事教學工作、從事研究工作、尋求日常生活資訊、休閒娛樂、個人興趣、行政工作上的需求、掌握專業領域新知。 四、資訊需求類型為電子資料庫(全文資料庫、數據型資料庫)、紙本圖書、電子期刊、網路資源、視聽資料、會議論文。 五、資訊尋求管道包含:內部途徑-使用圖書館館藏資源及外部途徑-館際合作、其他學校。 六、大多數教師表示遭遇到經費及藏書不足、缺乏電子資料庫。 七、資訊尋求解決途徑的方式多為使用他人帳號及自己到他館尋找。 八、大多數教師表示會繼續使用開南大學圖書館。 九、開南大學圖書館所欠缺的資料類型有電子書、紙本圖書、電子資料庫、電子期刊、視聽資料。 本研究針對研究結果提出具體建議,以提高教師對圖書館的依賴程度並提供各大學與個案研究機構、圖書館和館員參考:一、對教師之建議:(一)鼓勵教師積極推薦圖書;(二)建立個人檔案,累積教學研究資源;(三)建議教師參與圖書館資源建設。二、對圖書館之建議:(一)強化電子資源館藏;(二)積極向政府機關增取經費補助;(三)圖書館首頁建立各系所免費網路資源;(四)提供教師適用易讀的簡易手冊;(五)建立使用者資訊需求之評估;(六)建議教師規劃個人化資訊服務;(七)逐步擴大桃竹苗區域聯盟以落實合作館藏。


The faculty in higher education has special needs in information seeking and knowledge updating to develop their academic procession. Therefore, it is needed to understand the need of the faculty in higher education in information and how they seek the knowledge and information they need. The researcher adopted a qualitative research method to have interviews with 24 faculty in Kainan university. The purpose of this study is to investigate the faculty’s needs in information and how they seek information in Kainan university library. The results are further analyzed in order to generate the suggestions to improve the service of the library. Here is a summary of the study results as followed. 1. The faculty uses the facility of library mainly to check out the books and entertainment video. 2. The faculty does not use facility of library because of inconvenience of checking out the facility, comparatively more convenience to check out the online library and database, lack of research project, losing the faculty ID and workloads of administrative position. Some faculty also thinks the facility in the library does not meet their needs. 3. The motives to seek the information: the needs of teaching, the needs of research, the needs of daily life, the needs of entertainment, personal interest, the needs of administrative work, the needs to explore new information in the new disciplines. 4. Information seeking style is electronic database, books, online resources, conference paper, electronic journal, visual and audio materials. 5. Information seeking methods include searching the internal library resources and inter-library loan. 6. The difficulties the faculty usually encounters in Kainan are mainly shortage of budget and books as well as electronic database. 7. The ways the faculty solves the difficulties are using other’s account and going to check out the other libraries. 8. The majority of the faculty will keep using the facility in the Kainan university’s library. 9. There is a shortage of E-books, books, electronic database, electronic journal and audio-visual materials in Kainan university library. Based on the results of this study, here are the suggestions to the faculty: 1) making a booklist to library 2) establishing portfolio 3) involving themselves to the establishment of the library. The suggestions to the library: 1) expanding the electronic resources 2) applying the budget from the government 3) supplying the faculty the brochure of how to use the facility of library. 4) evaluating the user’s needs 5) expanding the inter-library loan in Taoyuan, Xinzhu and Miaoli area.


