  • 學位論文


A Study on Collaboration and Information Behavior of Researchers in Science and Technology

指導教授 : 藍文欽


資訊行為的研究,歷來是以「資訊個人」為焦點。近年來,協同資訊行為的議題也逐漸受到學者的重視。研究顯示,工作和日常生活的資訊採集和過濾的任務,通常是在幾個人之間分配,並且是有計劃和有目的地以集體協同合作的方式進行。因此,本研究以團體協同合作與其相關資訊行為為主題,探討科技機構研究人員在工作上個人與團隊成員協同合作的資訊活動,作為機構圖書館設計相關資訊系統與資訊服務之參考,並期望了解館員參與研究計畫之可能性。 本研究採半結構深度訪談方式,以核能研究所之研究人員為訪談對象。本研究採立意抽樣,共訪談21位受訪者,希望能含括多種研究計畫及團隊中各階層的人員。訪談內容,以受訪者之專業背景、工作內容及其在團隊中之自我角色認知,個人資訊行為之意圖及其過程,團體資訊行為的過程與特徵,以及影響協同合作與協同資訊行為的因素等四大面向為訪談重點。 訪談內容經謄錄及系統化編碼,其結果可歸納如下: 一、研究團隊展現的協同合作模式,可歸納為兩種類型。前者為階層式,是以團隊領導者(計畫主持人)為最高階,其次是分組長,最後是團隊成員,呈由上而下之階層模式。後者是分散模式,以團隊領導者(計畫主持人或分組長)為中心,呈放射狀。 二、協同合作計畫類型,依其性質可概分為三種:(一)前瞻(創新)型計畫,多以新主題或新領域的先期開發研究為主;(二)技術精進(改良)型計畫,是為了解決某個特別問題所發展出來的知識,具備較高風險、高報酬與中程規劃的特色;(三)技術服務型計畫,是以現有之技術、理論或知識為基礎,提供委託單位或是機構內部技術支援或服務。 三、個人資訊行為特徵:(一)研究人員在工作遭遇困難時,多數選擇上網查找專業相關學術期刊或資料庫,以及使用免費網路資源如google、yahoo,其次是人脈資源;(二)個人撰寫與發表研究報告或論文的資訊行為特徵為:蒐集、實驗、追踨、成形、討論、選擇、撰寫與發表;(三)撰寫研究報告與論文發表的目的非為學術研究,而是為了個人與團體工作績效的展現。 四、團體協同合作資訊尋求行為:(一)團隊共同發表之研究報告,題目多由計畫主持人訂定,內容則是依工作特性交相關人員分工撰寫;(二)期刊或會議論文多由一人主筆,負責整篇文章的邏輯架構,稱為主作者。其他共同作者可能是給予意見、審查論文、或是擁有計畫資源的主管等;(三)團隊協同合作資訊尋求行為是由管理者以工作分配的方式進行。 五、影響團體協同合作與其相關資訊行為的因素包括:人格特質、信任關係、團隊領導者的領導風格、資訊分享的氛圍、職務身份、人際關係、組織與環境因素。 依據研究結果與發現,研究者針對個案機構所屬之計畫團隊、圖書館以及圖書館館員提出建議:一、給個案機構所屬計畫之建議:(一)加強專業人力的備援;(二)應重視知識盤點與知識傳承;(三)儘速建立整合性知識管理平台。二、給個案機構圖書館之建議:(一)圖書館應成為機構內資訊資源的採購與保存中心;(二)提供跨領域與多元整合資訊;(三)協助機構內研究計畫團隊建立專屬知識庫。三、給個案機構圖書館館員之建議:(一)成為連接content creator和讀者的資訊專業人;(二)協助建立機構知識管理系統;(三)館員應積極跨領域知識學習與創新角色定位。


Traditionally, the focus of human information behavior research is the individual information users. Over recent years, there has been increasing interest among researchers in the notion of collaborative information behavior. It is gradually recognized that there are many situations, expecially when teamwork is required, that call for people to work together for information seeking. This study intends to explore the research collaboration and collaborative information behaviors of researchers in science and technology. More specifically, this study aims to investigate how researchers, who are involved in team projects, perform their everyday work practices associated with collaboration and information behavior. This study employed in-depth interviewing as the main method to collect data. Twenty-one researchers from the same institute were chosen purposively. They are comprised of project directotrs, sub-group leaders, senior and junior researchers, engineers, and the like. A half-structured interview outline was used to guide the interviewing. The outline is composed of four facets: 1. the respondent’s daily work practices and work role identity, 2. the respondent’s individual information behavior, 3. the researcher collaboration and collaborative information behavior of the project team that the respondent belongs to, and 4. the factors that affect research collaboration and collaborative information behavior. The results and findings of this study can be briefly summarized as below: 1. There are two types of collaboration model. One is hierarchical. The team director is on top, the sub-group leaders are in the middle, and the rest team members are on the bottom. The other model is radial. The team director is in the center and other team members are connected to the person directly. 2. The collaborative projects can be divided into three kinds: proactive and innovative type, technical improvement type, and technical service type. 3. The key features of individual information behavior are listed as following: a. Most researchers would search online whenever they envounter a problem or question. The second most frequently used approach is to ask people around. b. The characteristics of their information behaviors include data collection, experimentation, tracking, formation, discussion, selection, writing and publishing. c. The goal of writing a research report or journal article is to fulfill the requirement of work performance, rather than to gain academic fame. 4. The key features of research collaboration and collaborative information behavior include the followings: a. The team will write a research report collaboratively. The topic is decided by the team director and the writing responsibilities are disdributed to the team members. b. It is a common practice that a person will be assigned to write a journal or conference paper to publish the findings of the project research. He or she will be the main author or this paper but the team director will add more people to be the co-authors based on their contributions to this paper. c. Usually, the team director will decide what literature the team members should read or consult. 5. There are many factors that affect research collaboration and collaborative information behavior, such as personality, leadership, role identity, inter-personal relationship, organizational and environmental factors, competitive collaboration, and so on so forth. Based on the results, the author suggested that the institute should establish a knowledge management system to help researchers effectively manage their research efforts. She also suggested that the librarians of the institute should be more active and creative. They should find a way to be part of the research teams and help them find and deliver the information they need as well as to organize and preserve the efforts they have made.


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